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Illumination clarification question


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Just want to make sure I have the mechanics of being Illuminated right:

1) A character answers a riddle, gets hit with a mindblast, etc. and, knowingly or not, picks up the first point of Illumination skill. Based on the "Pursuit of Enlightenment" example in the Lunar cults book, I assume that at the next Sacred Time, he would make a roll of 1+(Moon Rune/5)+Magic skills Modifier?

2) But same character doesn't start with a base (Moon Rune/5)+Magic mod roll each Sacred Time, all that only triggers after they have 'earned' that first point through a riddle, mindblast, etc.?

3) Based on the Involuntary Illumination and Illumination without a Teacher sections, it sounds like a 'penalty' to the roll for folks that are not seeking Illumination would be appropriate? 

Lastly, I'm probably missing it, but I'm not seeing the Moon Rune/5 base listed outside the above-mentioned example. Where is it?

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