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Pan Tangian Galley Hull Quality


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Was there ever an official errata produced for Sailing on the Seas of Fate? Or does anyone have a tried and tested house rule.

I ask because (prior to new MagicWorld) I was flicking through and saw that the PanTangian Galley has Hull Quality (armour basically) 120 whilst Melnib Battle Barge rolls 3d6+10. And all of the other Boats and Ships also have a random value (all of which are much lower than the baddies)

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Possibly there was something on the Chaosium Digest... Alas I'm away from home, where I have a complete archive of that in *.txt form I downloaded some years back and every incarnation of the BRP/RQ sailing rules in book form - I'll check when I get home if some one else hasn't come up with an answer before then, but my instinct is there's a typo in there somewhere...


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Possibly check White Wolf and and see what they have it in as there?

I breezed through the Chaosium Digest but didn't see a Sailing on the Seas of Fate errata. I did take a trip down memory lane though. Tons of good stuff in there.


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So, I pulled out Sailing on the Seas of Fate and White Wolf. The ships match up, except in White Wolf the Pan Tang Galley has a Hull Quality of 3d6. So it looks like it should be 3d6. Odd typo that.

Thanks Chaot.

Mystery solved then. As you say a strange typo. I cannot believe that I hadn't spotted it earlier in the hmmm years that I've owned and read the book!

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