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Question About Monsters in Cults of Cthulhu

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Chapter 4 of Cults of Cthulhu includes some new monsters:  the Black-Winged Ones, Fher'roque, Scarlet Ones, Sedecim, and Vermiison.  The Black-Winged Ones I remember from Call of Cthulhu, and the Sedecim I assume were invented for their associated cult.


But what about the other three?  Were they invented for this book, or are they from stories?

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I assume Vermiison are somehow associated with Mysteries of the Worm. The rest aren't ringing any bells.

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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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Hi Nick

as far as I know, all the four monsters in Cult of Cthulhu didnt feature in stories before.
The Black Winged Ones kind of resemble the Nightgaunt but serve a different purpose  (in the scenario at least)

Thats the Mythos for you- you never know what pops up next 🦑

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