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The Land of the Giants (Vol. 05 of the P&BRC:DC) Nearly done! :)

Ian A. Thomson

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Hi Folks

I'll start off with my common expression of gratitude to the volunteers. Proofers, formatters, stats people, additional ideas, critiques. Not only would the series be less good without your help, but it's no joke to say it wouldn't exist at all. This series have proved already way more work than i ever imagined, and it's not done yet

But day by day we are getting there, and I'm delighted to see it unfold! I'm particularly happy with Vol. 05, as everything is really starting to connect in terms of the over-arching campaign.

Several elements of the Grand Plan that I agreed not to publish in the fanzines (since we were discussing a potential official release series) are finally out. (I make no claims that Greg would have ultimately approved anything. Nonetheless what was under discussion at the time is finally emerging, and so this is a turning point in the campaign.) There's also another article included that he gave me comments and feedback on as I was writing it

[EDIT: Turning this into a list, so we can check them off as we go] :)

Last Stat Block (volunteer): Done/Check  [3 Sept]

Dario's Last 2 Images: Done/Check [4 Sept]

Last Article (me): Done/Check [6 Sept]

Updating the 'p???' notes with the correct new page numbers as soon as layout is finished (me): Done/Check [5 Sept]

Spell/Grammar Check the whole thing (me): Done/Check [6 Sept]

Proofing Last Article (volunteer): Done/Check [8 Sept]

Correcting Last Article from Proofs (me): Done/Check [9 Sept]

Final Check Through of the Whole Thing (me): Done/Check [9 Sept]

Reviewing RQ:G Stats (volunteer): Done/Check [9 Sept]

Updating RQ:G Stats from Review (me): Done/Check [9 Sept]

Artwork Map 01 (volunteer): Done/Check [5 Sept]

Lair Map [rough draft] (me): Done/Check [7 Sept]

Lair Map [actual map] (me): Done/Check [8 Sept]

Edited by Ian A. Thomson
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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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23 hours ago, Diadochoi said:

Ian, by the time this series is complete will there be anything from P&BRC e.g.  The Shadows of Pavis, The Mask of Pavis, Beyond Pavis and The Legacy of Pavis, that will not appear in P&BRC:DC?

There will be some small linking bits that don't fit the new version and maybe a few minor hero cults, and some few other details (and a few parts of scenarios) will be rewritten and so the original version won't be in the new series, but nothing major

Only one article has been consciously left out, just cos it was an extra short incidental scenario outline by someone else. Not for quality reasons, it was just not relevant back then but a nice addition. With so much material this time round it won't be included, but other more relevant pieces by the same author are being included :)

Edited by Ian A. Thomson
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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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17 hours ago, jajagappa said:

Makes me think of the old TV show! 

Yes, that was even before my time, but I saw some reruns when I was a kid. Title just has a good ring to it, and is very appropriate

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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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After some Herculean efforts the last few days, all is now complete except for the last three images that three champions are working on

As mentioned earlier, if any of the fine folk doing those happen to see this, there's no rush

Plan is ideally to put out Vol. 05 sometime in October

It's just a great feeling for me to know all I have to do now is edit those images and put them into the formatting

It has been ruthlessly trimmed with anything that can be put forward into the next book, being placed there, but with so much key material having to go into the series book about Prax & the River of Cradles, and a HUGE scenario arc based in Old Pavis and some epic trips out into Prax, there was just too much that had to go in there. Plus some key supporting material that maybe didn't 'have to' but wasn't many pages and fits better here....

... leading us to 330 pages of content!!!

I'm going to work on the Rough Guide to Pavis City next. It is already about 3/4 done because (a) so much of it just directly copies over from the original, and (b) I originally planned to release it as Vol. 01, and so did a lot of work on it a couple of years ago

Not sure if it will be Vol. 06 or Vol. 06A, but I feel inspired to work on it anyway :)

Edited by Ian A. Thomson
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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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I may have said this previously but allow me to repeat:

You're doing the Rune Lord's work, @Ian A. Thomson.

This project is magnum opus and no mistake. I'm really happy with all the volumes produced in that they capture that RQ2 feel with the RQG rules [and a hefty dollop of house rules]. I could see Vasana and Company wondering if membership in Flintnail is right for them 😁

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