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Raise the Ziggurat Sale


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This quick sale which ends today Friday 18th October, is a chance for you to pick up our games in PDF at the deeply discounted price of £5 each.  OpenQuest, River of Heaven and SimpleQuest are included in the sale.

I plan to make a magnificent return to convention gaming in 2025. One of the games I'm planning to demo is an new Oldhammer RPG I'm working on. I want to use Fenris Games' Ziggurat as the centrepiece of the starter adventure. This awesome mini will raise the spirits of Grognards everywhere. It is modelled on the original Ziggurat of Doom, which was featured in the introductory adventure for Warhammer First Edition.


Unfortunately, this is a serious bit of kit, the price of which I've not budgeted for. Also, I need to get it quickly and paint it in time for Grogmeet 2025 in January. Failure to fund will mean that I must deploy the massively less epic cardboard Ziggurat made out of pizza boxes.

So, to raise some quick funds, all the following are currently discounted and only £5 (about $6.50) on the D101 Store on pdf. Also, if you buy a copy now, I'll send you a 25% off voucher for the physical book once the sale ends.

Head Honcho of D101 Games
Publisher of Crypts and Things/Monkey/OpenQuest/River of Heaven
The Sorcerer Under the Mountain

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