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I bought this .pdf a bit back. I was less than enchanted, to be honest.

I re-opened it this weekend, and read the Cult of Glamour. I absolutely LOVED it! So much so in fact that now I need 2 things, ASAFP, please:

1) Homeland modifiers for the Lunar Homelands.

2) the character creation modifiers for someone starting as an Initiate of Glamour.

... I have an idea, and it's silly 😉

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I am glad you have fallen in love with our book.

1) Use Lunar Tarsh as your baseline (it's a civilised Lunar land, like most of the Heartland sultanates). Swap out the Loyalty passions and Languages for more appropriate ones (local rulers, local tongues); swap cultural weapons etc. for others if you have an idea of what's most appropriate, or don't sweat the small stuff; don't use the Family History unless you're a Tarshite or involved in the recent triumphs and fiascos in the South. (If you skip Family History, pick a couple of Passions that will help the campaign.)


Starting Skills:

  • Cult Lore (Glamour) +15%
  • Meditate +5%
  • Read/Write New Pelorian +10%
  • Sing +10%
  • Speak New Pelorian +20%
  • Worship (Glamour) +20%
  • one other cult skill +10% -- choose from: Bargain, Craft (Cosmetics, Hairdressing, Souvenirs), Dance, Fast Talk, Insight (Human) or Lore (Silver Shadow)

Cult Spirit Magic:

  • Befuddle (2 pts)
  • Glamour (2 pts)
  • plus any other 1-pt spell.

Favoured Passions:

  • Loyalty (City of Glamour)
  • Loyalty (Red Emperor)

Unless your game is set in Glamour, I'd suggest giving your adventurer the uncommon "heroquest gift" that their Rune magic works outside the city, or they won't have much fun. (Most Glamour cultists don't have this; your character does; that's good, isn't it?)

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10 minutes ago, Nick Brooke said:

I'd suggest giving your adventurer the uncommon "heroquest gift" that their Rune magic works outside the city

Ah, the lesser known Glamourspot.

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