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Tome of Fantasy Monsters Mono

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Heya folks!

I'm relatively new to the BRP scene and am working on a fantasy campaign for my PnP group. But I have noticed either a lack of BRP monster books or a terrible lack in my searching abilities. Most of what I have seen is:

1. I've been converting a few over here....*link*

2. Other similar systems creature stats are pretty close but....

(HOPEFULLY I'm missing something which you good people will happily point out :) )

Anyway I have some artistic ability, some spare time, and my wife would LOVE for me to make money on this hobby, so my question is:

Is there a market for a BRP compatible Critter Catalog?

Is Chaosium Mono the way to go? (I've heard mixed reviews, especially on payment...) or would I be better off making it compatible but NOT have the BRP/Chaos support.

It's my understanding that numbers/rules do not fall under copy write as long as you make no reference to the original material and use your own artwork/wording. ala AD&Ds OSRIC system.

I'm no lawyer so I wont pretend to know all the details and honestly haven't bothered to look it up YET.

This is just a :b1:bug:b1: that flew in my ear and won't stop buzzing.

Thanks in advance for your input!

Author QUASAR space opera system: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/459723/QUASAR?affiliate_id=810507

My Magic World projects page: Tooleys Underwhelming Projects

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i don't see why not. Artistic talent (of which I have very little but am trying to broaden) is as valuable as writing talent.(which I'm using every day in one form or another.) People have books on the shelves (guilty) and art on the walls. while i can't really see a wife, or roommate vouching for a drawing of a 'Monster" on the living room, a catalog would be a nice place to start. Perhaps with some "Wanted preferably dead" posters of some really bad ones. (though I have reservations about that. Picture a mama monster telling her little ones "you keep that up and the Knights will get you!") [ Just the ones from River Bend City talking more about that later ]

A monster catalog? good idea. you'd need a detailed description of it, habits, likes, dislikes, range age, size. beside the usual pictures.

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Heya folks!

I'm relatively new to the BRP scene and am working on a fantasy campaign for my PnP group. But I have noticed either a lack of BRP monster books or a terrible lack in my searching abilities. Most of what I have seen is:

1. I've been converting a few over here....*link*

2. Other similar systems creature stats are pretty close but....

(HOPEFULLY I'm missing something which you good people will happily point out :) )

Anyway I have some artistic ability, some spare time, and my wife would LOVE for me to make money on this hobby, so my question is:

Is there a market for a BRP compatible Critter Catalog?

Given how enduringly popular monster manuals / bestiaries have always been, especially lavishly illustrated ones, I'd imagin so.

Is Chaosium Mono the way to go? (I've heard mixed reviews, especially on payment...) or would I be better off making it compatible but NOT have the BRP/Chaos support.

It's my understanding that numbers/rules do not fall under copy write as long as you make no reference to the original material and use your own artwork/wording. ala AD&Ds OSRIC system...

The legal niceties are a little more intricate but the gist is true. Making money from RPG publishing, even as a professional is VERY hard and pretty rare, and simply won't happen via the monograph route (or any fan based publishing route tbh).

Having said that, a monograph is a great way of demonstrating what you are capable of, and if you then start looking for freelance gigs as a writer OT artist with RPG publishers (I clouding Chaosium), being able to point a published work (even a monograph) will be very helpful - and if it measures up well against the high quality ones (Swords of Cydonia; Agents of the Crown; Queensguard; the Old Hrolmar Guidebook) it will do you reputation a definite boost.

Equally of course you don't have to go via Chaosium - Paul Elliott hasn't Warlords of Alexander - Zozer Games | DriveThruRPG.com



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Thanks for info folks. I'd forgotten about Basic Beastiary. Doh! Even downloaded it last month. I'll have to check and see if I think it fills the need...

Already started some illustration too darn it! LOL

Author QUASAR space opera system: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/459723/QUASAR?affiliate_id=810507

My Magic World projects page: Tooleys Underwhelming Projects

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Okay. Yep. Antonéus did a pretty thorough job incorporating A LOT of the more common dungeon denizens. Kudos!

Someone should Definitely make a web-book for others to add to. Nothing like growing the list of possible ways to kill players!

Thanks again for the info guys.

And thanks to Evilschemer for reminding me how forgetful I truly am!

Author QUASAR space opera system: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/459723/QUASAR?affiliate_id=810507

My Magic World projects page: Tooleys Underwhelming Projects

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It's my understanding that numbers/rules do not fall under copy write as long as you make no reference to the original material and use your own artwork/wording. ala AD&Ds OSRIC system.

That's how Mongoose created their versions of RuneQuest, although they did adapt portions of the d20 Modern SRD.

BTW, that's another route: make a monster book using Legend or OpenQuest (or RQ6?) and put it under the OGL. That way you can avoid re-inventing the wheel.


"Welcome to the hottest and fastest-growing hobby of, er, 1977." -- The Laundry RPG
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Have you seen the Basic Bestiary free download? It's got lots of great monster write-ups for BRP.

Not quiet a BRP monster guide, as it uses the RQ3 critters as a basis. Also Movement rates are given in CoC measurements and not in BRP measurements. So it is NOT a BRP monster guide in every detail - only a general d100 guide. ;)

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Also worth noting: much of the old RQIII creatures book has been converted to BRP / Magic World in the core Magic World book, and one of the planned supplements for MW is a collection of creatures, some new inventions, others adaptations from UK and European folk tales and mythology not previously statted for MW / Chaosium BRP games.



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