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I'm strugling to understand my new mapping software, but but it will go easier with time I hope.

Before I sit down to do some serious mapping, I've made an ugly sketch from the geography descriptions in the wiki conscerning the portal and the green. Is this what people where imagining?


Now, this does not fit very well with the idea of boiling waters around sky mtn. causing the rain that fall later, or the land getting colder and colder away from the sun.

So the question is, shall we go with something like this and discard some of the old ideas, or shall we adjust the map to the old idea?


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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As I understood Puck's sketch, there should also be mountains "north" and

"west" of The Green, turning The Green into a wet basin that is surrounded

on three sides by mountains and opens to the "south" to the sea, and being

more narrow at the "northwestern" end and more broad in the "east " ?

Besides, I would propose to start with one region (from The Green to the Sky

Mountain), and add other regions later, as they are developed by and by. It

seems that up to now there are no proposals what these regions should look

like, so you would have to invent them on your own - and then probably to

change them again and again, as ideas and proposals are developed.

The "boiling waters" around Sky Mountain seem to have gone out of fashion

somewhat, currently all the proposals seem to include deserts around Sky

Mountain ...

"Mind like parachute, function only when open."

(Charlie Chan)

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I'd start with the whole world rather than a little section of it.

This map doesn't show the Sky Mountain being the center of the world, it seems very peripheral.

Nor does it show seas, large landmasses etc.

I'd draw the world outline with large areas drawn with a broad brush. That way, we can add things to those areas and they can be added to the map afterwards.

The trouble with describing small regions and drawing maps of those regions if that they become isolated and it is difficult to see how they interact with other areas.

As for the geography itself, deserts arouns Sky Mountain is fine, put seas around the deserts and possibly deserts around the seas. The Inner Desert would be very hot and extreme where only Heroes go. The Outer Desert would turn into chaparral/bush at the outside extremes but would be proper desert near the inner seas. Since the seas would be evaporated quickly there would be salt pans and salt deserts there, but the seas would also regenerate somehow.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here. 

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I like the graphics, though, simple and clear but not too basic.

I'd pefer a more ancient look, but that's because I like ancient-style maps.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here. 

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I very much like the lay and feel of Frogspawner's map. I would prefer to juggle Europe and the Mediterranean so It was not so noticeably the real world (maybe have different, more interestingly shaped protrusions instead of Spain, Italy and Greece), but that is just my personal preference.

The idea of two continents coming together from the northwest and southeast works very well, particularly, with narrow waterways widening to seas between the two. This can allow for all sorts of civilized and rival future write-ups.

That Icelandic island would work nice as a home for Viking types when the Brp Vikings book comes out.

For the Green, Rust has it dead on. I was thinking that north-western corner would be kind of hooked and heavily pressed between the mountains and the sea. As it fades to the southeast it would broaden allowing for greater variation. I was hoping the mountains could be very high and rise up steeply like the Himalayas.

It would be nice to have a very large, intense, somewhat mountainous desert behind the Green as the mountains suck the moisture form the sky. This would be fun to work on as a possible future project as well.

As for sun mountain, I kind of liked the way it was central and yet very hard to reach, strange that it is in the north and not the south though.

Just an idea: What about placing sun mountain on a plateau or several plateaus of higher mountains kind of like a Natural god-made ziggurat. People traveling there would have to climb cliffs or mountians with each level One level could be a burning Desert the next plateau where water vapour rises to the air could be very steamy.

Sun god temples could be ziggurats in miniature and their temple rites could be mini hero quests of climbing to the sun. This stuff is really Soltakss’ specialty though, I do not know what he has planned.


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Soltakss probably is right, a map of the entire world really has the advantage

to make it easier to fit additional creations into it and connect them to the

other regions - I did not think of that. Well, I am still used to pen and paper-

maps, and changing anything on them is a nasty job (I still have to get used

to computers ...).

Otherwise, I think all the ideas mentioned are fine.

"Mind like parachute, function only when open."

(Charlie Chan)

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Did you just hack into my PC and read what I was writing about Sky Mountain?

Nope, I am just telepathic. :P

It is amazing how ideas and thought tend to come together that way. A week ago I would not have even thought of it. But after reading your myths and stuff, it just seemed to kind of match up.

Well, I am still used to pen and paper-

maps, and changing anything on them is a nasty job (I still have to get used

to computers ...).

Amen. I had a scanner and I could just make a rough outline, scan it, make a few copies to play around with, rough drafts as it were. Now it seems every time I need to change something I've got to retrace the entire map. The Scanner seems to have died though.>:->>:->


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So, understanding a tiny bit more of the software now...

Below is a map-suggestion for Sky Mtn., and the desert surrounding it:


Any feedback? I planned to work outwards from the middle. I've attached the CC3 file for anyone with CC3 who would like to modify it.

I imagine a large landmass to the north, connected by the northeast arm of the desert, and a large unconnected landmass to the south.

Could the green be on the southern landmass and the Portal/Hell Ruin on the north, or do they need to be on the same one?


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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A beautiful map !

It is perhaps less desert and more water than I had expected, but it really

looks fine.

I do not know what Puck and Rurik will think about the idea to put The Green

and Portal on different continents, but at the moment I do not see a real

problem, provided both are still close enough to enable Puck's corsairs from

the coast of The Green to prey on the sea trade to and from Portal.

"Mind like parachute, function only when open."

(Charlie Chan)

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Looks nice. :thumb:

I don't think the green needs to be on the same continent as Portal. The green should be somewhat difficult to get to depending on the sea-going technology. For instance India, Africa, possibly the Americas to a Europe-centric world. This would keep it a little more wild and mysterious.


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Thanks for the replies. I've been a bit busy the last days as I've just started in a new job and bought an appartment, but I hope to have a more detailed map up by the weekend. I'll expand the desert, and put the Portal to the north and the Green to the south. :)


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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Just made a sketch of the whole Green. Hopefully it is moderately visible. I thought the western section (upper green) would be further from civilization. While the Lower green would fade in intensity and be more tamed, have bigger cities, plantations, and be closer to the rest of the developed world. The lower green would remain more open for future developement. Does this work?



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Made some more work on the map - expanded the desert a bit and worked a bit on the portal/hell ruins and the land west of this. I've added a "Maps" category in the gallery where I've uploaded some parts of it.

Maybe you could post yours there too Puck?

By the way, would it be a problem if the mountains were to the south and the coast to the north for the Green?


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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Wow! I was kind of thinking this place should be called the ecoing cavern rather than the gamer's cavern. I just ordered the 0 edition so I thought that in accordance with my luck everyone lost intrest. :(

I am going to try to load that map of the greater Green into the map section. I will try to load a bigger picture, if it is too big let me know. I have been working on a smaller, more detailed version of the upper Green but it may be a while as I keep erasing and re-arranging.

By the way, would it be a problem if the mountains were to the south and the coast to the north for the Green?

I think it would be a bit of a problem to flip the whole thing now. What do you have in mind? Are there possible other solutions?


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I just ordered the 0 edition so I thought that in accordance with my luck everyone lost intrest. :(

Not at all - but my copy of the Zero Edition meanwhile has arrived, and I am

somewhat busy with "reengineering" my Pharos IV setting.

However, I am still looking forward to reading more about The Green !

"Mind like parachute, function only when open."

(Charlie Chan)

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Not at all - but my copy of the Zero Edition meanwhile has arrived

Congradulations! I saw that you had become one of the "numbered" elite on the other forum. Seeing that you had taken the plunge kind of inspired me. Mine should arrive in a day or two; at least my game store owner tells me. It was suppose to arrive today, but I think he forgot to order it.


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I am going to try to load that map of the greater Green into the map section. I will try to load a bigger picture, if it is too big let me know. I have been working on a smaller, more detailed version of the upper Green but it may be a while as I keep erasing and re-arranging.

I think it would be a bit of a problem to flip the whole thing now. What do you have in mind? Are there possible other solutions?

Okay. I originally thought of the land directly to the south of Sky Mountain, the area enclosed by a mountain range for the green. The westernmost land up north would work too though. I'll modify it so it fits better with your map.


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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Okay. I originally thought of the land directly to the south of Sky Mountain, the area enclosed by a mountain range for the green.

I was a little afraid of that. That would put the Green very close to the middle of things and I was kind of hoping it would be a little out of the way, and somewhat hard to get to. Something like the west coast of Africa, India, or the America's during the age of exploration.

The westernmost land up north would work too though. I'll modify it so it fits better with your map.

Thanks, this would work best if possible. The back side of the skyshelf Mountains could possibly become the steppes that Soltakss refers to or a alternatively a desert.

This would also leave more land closer to the center of things for future developement.

By the way what is the scale of the maps? I cannot really seem to tell.


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I was a little afraid of that. That would put the Green very close to the middle of things and I was kind of hoping it would be a little out of the way, and somewhat hard to get to. Something like the west coast of Africa, India, or the America's during the age of exploration.

Then we put it to the west. I could add some rocks outside the coast to make it even harder to reach. ;)

The back side of the skyshelf Mountains could possibly become the steppes that Soltakss refers to or a alternatively a desert.

I thought of the land straight north of the northeast arm of the desert to be steppe (so we don't go directly from desert to fertile land), but that's also open for change.

This would also leave more land closer to the center of things for future developement.

Yep. We can leave the southern continent for the time being, and concentrate on the north now in the beginning.

By the way what is the scale of the maps? I cannot really seem to tell.

There no scale yet, but I thought maybe glorantha sized? It depends on how much space we want.


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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