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Musings on Magic


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Since this is Magic World, it seems very appropriate that we explore the systems a bit. Wax poetic about perfect spell pairings, explore the hidden aspects of seemingly straightforward enchantments, pose queiries regarding confusing spell readings or just plot your own Magic World domination!

I had planned to start up a Magic World game by this time but work has gotten in the way. In lieu, I've been refreshing myself. I love pushing systems to see what they will give me. I really like what Magic World has to offer.

A Sorcerer is Powerful

More so than before. In Elric!/SB5 a sorcerer was chained to their Brazier of Power. In MW we get magic staves. While there are some individual spells that pack a whollup, a sorcerer's real strength is in summoning and creation. Magic Staves/Braziers of Power are the key to unlocking this strength.

To begin, a sorcerer needs one thing, a POW : POW spell. Now sorcerrers are supposed to be feared, right? For a starting spell the sorcerer is going to want something like Terror (1), Contribute to Truth (1), Agony (2), Break the Will (1), Enthrall (4) or Compulsion (3). None of these are particularly nice to cast on people, but you're a sorcerer, right? Gotta do what you do to climb that ladder. A second spell that would be convenient to have, but not necessary is Witch Sight (1). Having Witch Sight allows the sorcerer to search for worthy challlenges.

What is the optimum level of POW for the sorcerer who means business? I would say it is 16 (17 if you are paranoid). If a sorcerer wants to be a world shaker she's got to have extra MP. When she gets 17 MP it's time to make a staff, giving her a pool of 32 MP. When she hits 17 again, another staff, bumping it up to 48. Remember that a 'staff' can actually be anything. She's a stylish sorcerer so she's going to want an amulet, a ring, and a torc. Assuming she does this every time her POW goes to 17 she'll have a pool of 48 and 16 personal MP. That's nothing to sneeze at. If she's patient, she can go for an athame too bumping her pool to 64 MP for a grand total of 80 MP.

A magic staff is expensive. If your sorcerer is on a budget, Brazier of Power is your answer. You will definately want a base of operations though because the braziers don't move.

Why do we want so many magic points? It's not for us. It's for our minions!

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We have severl opptionsto choose from when it comes to our lovely minions. There's Demon summonining and elemental summoning, we also have mummies and skeletons and revenants and ghouls. We've also borrowed a bit from our Glorantha brethren and can summon disease, healing and other sorts of spirits, which can be bound with POW.

Two of my favorite spells though are Animate Limb (2) and Create Monster (varied MP +1POW). Animate Limb does not need our ridiculously large pool of MP. 2 MP plus 1 POW will get you your own mobile pet hand. Not for every sorcerer maybe, but still worth some respect.

Create Monster is my new favorite spell. For this ritual, the sorcerer gathers a number of creatures together to create some horrible mixture that shouldn't exist. A human must be part of this if the final beast is to be intelligent. The sorcerer then spends MP to buy Stats and skills taken from the donor victims. Something large and strong for strength, a horse say. Something quite like a cat for a Move Quietly skill. With some forethought and planning an enterprising sorcerer can create an menagerie of different beasts. Any sorcerer with such a retinue should gain instant street cred.

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Stepping back a bit, let's look at the life of the sorcerer.  He has to get out there and make things happen.  No one is going to just hand him the Seven Sigils of Kor'tha Vardin, nor will he ever discover the true resting place of Ginju without finding and reading the Tome of Dreadful Revelations first.  The point is, a sorcerer has to be proactive.  He's got to make a name for himself, so that he can get some face to face time with other sallow and foul sorcerers.  He needs to have the initiative to get out there and make those pacts and bargains with the creatures of shadow to gain that spell that his fellow sorcerers do not have.  He needs to be driven enough to go poking around in those cursed tombs, rotted cities and forsaken corners of the world.  He needs to know how to leverage people so that they are afraid of him, but so that they don't come after him in a mob.


That's why I like Terror, Contribute to Truth or Break the Will as beginning spells for the sorcerer.  All three can be used in roleplaying situations, all three establish the sorcerer as someone not to be trifled with, and none of them actually do physical harm to the opponent.  They all have to be played right though.  Remember that a check does not occur unless it takes place in a dangerous situation and is against an opponent with a higher POW.  (Again, Witch Sight is invaluable in determining who your target should be here).  Assuming the sorcerer puts himself in the position of using these spells and getting a check once a session, he'll have a one in five chance of gaining a point of POW.  Those are good odds.  That means if you're gaming once a week you'll likely to get +1 POW every month or so.


One final thought about this stuff.  When aggressively pursuing a sorcerous character, make sure you're open and working with the GM.  Let the GM know that you're not trying to derail the game, but that you also want to explore a powerful character.  Get the other players on your side to.  Make sure nobody feels left out.  Make them a part of your climb to power.  Do not use them or make them feel less important.  The games no fun if everyone's not having fun.

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So, I'm going to create two sorcerers here.  Elia grew up in a small town on the outskirts of the Lascalan Forest.  She's going to be our less nefarious sorcerer.  Talred is from the capital of Drumhold.  He's involved himself with some dark magic.



Pow 18

Spells: Contribute to Truth (1), Summon Elemental (1), Wings of the Sky (4)


Ever since she was young, Elia used to wander the boarder of her village, listening to the secrets of the wind.  As she grew in age and wisdom, she developed uncanny abilities.  She is now driven by discovering secrets, and nothing stays hidden from her for long.  Elia is known to be straight forward in conversation.  People feel unnerved that they seem unable to lie in her presence.  Over time, Elia has become unwelcome in the village.  It is time for her to strike out and discover her destiny.


Elia needs to make money (about 6,000 bronze) and expand her abilities.  She goes out and finds a group of like minded adventurers.  She also begins her summoning career.  Elia summons sylphs, not binding them but asking them for information.  If she's lucky, the sylph might be able to teach her a spell.  Otherwise, she uses the information the the sylphs give her to track down spells and excellent business opportunities (and maybe even fellow adventurers).  Thus begins her quest.



Pow 17

Skills: Fast Talk 110%

Spells: Break the Will (1), Summon Demon (1), Witch Sight (1)


Talred grew up in the city of Drumhold.  He was always curious and often took dangerous risks.  When he was a teen he fell in with a small and unstable group who practiced at demonology.  By piecing together scraps of esoteric law (and through a lot of failure) he figured out how he could get glimpses into the sorcerous world (Witch Sight).  Later, he expanded his power so that he could intimidate nearly anyone he wanted to (Break the Will).  Talred has been careful.  He uses his powers on people who are traveling through Drumhold.  He doesn't always bully his targets either.  Talred is an excellent conversationalist.  He felt very satisfied when he finally got the last bit of information on how to summon something from beyond from that older traveller who stops in Drumhold on occassion.


Talred has plans and he wants power.  There are seven ancient small standing stones tucked away in a secluded area in the hills of the Copper Mountains.  Talred has always loved it there.  He plans on making it his seat of power.  He doesn't trust those he knows in Drumhold.  He is looking for a group of likeminded adventurers who will help him in his investigations and share in his new found might.  People who know how to get their hands dirty.


When he is ready, he will perform his first summoning.  He's looking for a demon who will teach him the secrets of Braziers of Power.  Once he learns this, he will imbue his first standing stone with his own energy.  He will continue to quietly grow his power and search for arcane lore until he feels confident enough to declare himself a sorcerer.

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I went over to Chaotic Shiny to see who our two sorcerers meet up with, taking the first two given to me.


Elia meets with Dwynd, a male with some elfin blood.  Dwynd has brown eyes and black hair.  He's motivated by curiosity, just like Elia.  He has a tendency to be envious but is a sucker for flattery.  He steals things for a living.  He does not like gratuitous violence.  He collects exotic weapons and he's good at what he does.  Dwynd fights with a scimitar.


Dwynd seems to be a pretty good match here.  Elia wants money and he is a thief.


Talred met with someone a bit more sinister.  Elynd is a vampire who is also a mage.  (I think I might be dipping into Deep Magic here before I fully explore Sorcery in this thread.)  Elynd has a lot of integrity and is motivated by loyalty.  I'm beginning to suspect Elynd might be the person Talred learned the final bits of the Summoning spell from.  Elynd has green eyes and red hair and is a firm believer in luck.  He also has a tendency to get really angry.  He is a sucker for foolish bravery.  He does not like complete honesty.  He really enjoys dancing.  Elynd uses daggers when he gets into a brawl.


Man, Elynd sounds like bad news for poor Talred.


Question for people reading.  Should I go with Deep Magic for Elynd?  Should I pick one of the other magic types?  (Necromancy, Rune Magic, Arete or Fey) Should I give him some Sorcery spells?


My gut was Deep Magic, but if I choose that or Arete it's going to slow me down.  I'm familiar with both of them but not super familiar.  I was going to tackle them later in the thread.


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By the way, since I'm already far beyond the looking glass here I'm going to use the Fantasy Oracle Compilation to see how our little sorcerers go about gaining power and maybe the Mythic GM Emulator to see how successful they are.  I promise all this will include number crunching and spell exploration though.


The Oracle

The dark moon rises, the goddess of murder gathers more power.

A poor swineherd and a ghoulish eater of dead flesh, driven by unusual lusts, getting drunk together at ’s Performance Hall
A secret order of warrior-mystics, defending their relics.
A terrifying demon, escaped from the mage who summoned it.


So that's what we have to work with.


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Very interesting. I am going to bookmark this and try and simulate an npc using these spells and suggestions.


I think an issue I have had in the past with magic systems in general is that it is sometimes difficult to see how they work in the setting without a model.  I know I'm just pulling things out of the air here, but I'm trying to keep it reasonable as to how it might play out in a game (and, you know, just having a bit of fun too).




Thank you.


So here's the thing.  A vampire has no POW.  They can cast sorcery spells but by my reading I don't think they can perform Deep Magic.  (I'll happily change my mind if we get a ruling that they can though!)  Some of the cool Necromancy stuff needs POW sacrifices, so it seems like a waste to use it on this guy.  So if there's no Deep Magic I'm going to go with the straight sorcery spells.  This can be a good thing though, because not everyone does their dirty work with summonings.


Another thing I was surprised by when I started this.  There is no Familiar spell or ability.  Well, there is if you are using Deep Magic but a Sorcerer does not get a familiar by the rules I'm seeing.  I guess I just automatically carry that over from BRP.  While I will use them in my home game, for this thread there's no Familiars unless I get office confirmation that they are in there.


Vampires get it rough, by the way.  2d6 mp lost every day.  These suckers got to feed every night to stay ahead of the game.  Doubly so if you're a vampire with a habit of casting spells.


So for now I'm going to wait on Talred and Elynd and concentrate on Elia and Dwynd.


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So, one of the things that I love about reading the rule book is that it lets me know when I'm WRONG!  :D  There were some changes I had forgotten.  Priests, Shamans and Cultists get 1d6+3 spells and a Sorcerer begins with INT/2 spells.  Also, I'd forgotten that it allows you to adjust the POW requirement for magic.  One suggestion is 14, one is to drop it all together.  I'm used to 16, I started it at 16, so I think for this thread I'll keep it at 16.  When I start a new game up it's going down to 14.


Ok.  I did some rolling and picking.  Elia did well on her intelligence roll.  She has 8 spells instead of the three I was thinking.  Honestly, she looks like a sorcerer now.  She's got a couple of tricks and a sort of theme.  She doesn't have any directly damaging spells.  Contribute to Truth and Muddle will affect opponents.  Her main focus is gathering information and avoiding trouble.  If she runs into trouble anyway, Wings of the Sky might buy her time to escape.  She might also turn into a wolf.  Like I said, she looks like a sorcerer.  Impressive tricks.  She's not a heavy hitter yet though. 



Int 16, Pow 18

Spells: Contribute to Truth (1), Summon Elemental (1), Wings of the Sky (4), Wolf Shape (4), Heal (2), Create Monster (varied MP + 1 POW), Spectral Ownership (5), Muddle (1)


I figured we should be studying spells in this thread, so I gave Dwynd a POW of 16 and three spells of his own.  Dwynd's spells are much more honed on getting things done.  He's not interested in fancy magic and not really interested in gathering power.  He uses what he knows because it provides an edge for him.  Deftness increases his thieving skills by a 20% up to 80% bonus.  Only one skill at a time though.  Speed helps him run and Cloak helps him hide.  All very good things for a thief.  It's not on his goal list right now, but if Dwynd ever gets another point of POW he will probably follow Elia's lead and get a Staff. Those extra MP would do Dwynd wonders.



Pow 16

Spells: Cloak of Night (1-4), Sorcerer's Deftness (1-4), Sorcerer's Speed (1-3)


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The Mythic Emulator is a thing of beauty.  I'm going to use it to figure out how these adventures go.  Right off the bat, it threw me for a loop.  Before I could ask it a question it changed scene on me and told be that something bad was going down.  It's like you telling your Chronicler that you're waking up in the morning and he says, "Yeah, and you're being attacked by ninja!  roll init."  I decided that it was that terrifying demon that had escaped from the sorcerer up their.  Read from the bottom up.  4, 5, and 6 were just me figuring things out.  Sorry it's a bit messy.


Q: Did Elias or Dwynd get hurt by the demon NO

E: Ambiguous Significance: a Division of Food
Q: do elia and dwynd escape YES
Q: is there anyone else around during the attack NO
Q: #9 NO
Q: #8 NO
Q: #7 YES
Q: #6 An Incorrect Assumption about Fortune
Q: #5 Entirely Normal Nature, Elia
Q: #4 Utterly Beautiful Freedom, Terrifying Demon
Q: Do Elia and Dwynd know how to defeat the demon? A Certain Amount of Technology
Q: do Elia and Dwynd survive the attack Terrifying Creation, Terrifying Demon
Q: do Elia and Dwynd defeat the demon Fascinating Literacy
Scene #1 (Negative Alteration): 
Elia and Dwynd are attacked by 'a terrifying demon'


So, Elias and Dwynd are attacked by a terrifying demon.  The foul creature demands that they kill the sorcerer who summoned it.  If they do not, this terrifying demon promises to devour them while they are alive.  It promises that it can keep them alive for a very long time.  The terrifying demon gives them three days.


After it leaves, Elia and Dwynd share a moment where they joke about not being hungry and they try to push a bit of food of on the other.  It breaks their fear and creates a strong bond between them.


Man, no big moves on goals but we're headed in the right direction. 


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The discussion has been fun, but based on what you've revealed about the private lives of sorcerers, why would a party want one of these selfish, back-stabbing powerhouses in its midst?  Ms. Magic would manipulate the group's adventures to meet her own goals then ditch her "friends" when they became inconvenient.  =|

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It's up to the chronicler to introduce common goals. EVERY ONE of my tabletop players play selfish ,self centered PCs, regularly.

It really keeps everyone on their toes. :)

Author QUASAR space opera system: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/459723/QUASAR?affiliate_id=810507

My Magic World projects page: Tooleys Underwhelming Projects

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I have one question how to count the spell levels. If the sorcerer gets int/2, in spells are they counted per spell or are they counted per mp used in casting them?

For example cloak of night is 1-4, should you count that as 4 spell levels? Im not sure but i think i saw something like that in the big golden book, orcs entry.

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Dang it, you're right.  For Priests, Cultists and Shamans it is 1d6+3 spells but for Sorcerers it is spell levels.  It seems I might have more luck making Elia an air shaman than a sorcerer.  Spell levels are pretty limiting.


The discussion has been fun, but based on what you've revealed about the private lives of sorcerers, why would a party want one of these selfish, back-stabbing powerhouses in its midst?  Ms. Magic would manipulate the group's adventures to meet her own goals then ditch her "friends" when they became inconvenient.  =|



In all fairness, would you take up with a self professed thief with a penchant for fancy weapons?  There are some good reasons for Dwynd to hang out with Elia right now.  She has easy access to information and he is looking for his next mark.


It'll probably be Friday or Saturday before I get back to this but we're likely to see a small summonings, some goals met and a potentially tragic turn of events!


Edit: Plus we need to figure out what to do with Elia's spell list.


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For Elias, let's keep Contribute to Truth (1), Summon Elemental (1), Wings of the Sky (4), Heal (2).  High on her list is to figure out Create Monster and Spectral Ownership.


So I plotted this out last time I was posting in the Mythic GM.  All I can find right now is the screenshot.




Basically, Mr. Sorcerer has two demons.  He lost a third, his fear demon.  The fear demon cannot completely break free unless Elias and Dwynd, kill the Sorcerer or break the binding object.  They are going to be successful, but Dwynd is going to get seriously messed up.  So here's their brilliant plan.


Xalriil is holed up in the hills north of Lascalan Forest.  She's an ambitious sorceress.  Nearly had three demons doing her dirty work.  That pesky fear demon got away, but won't stay away for long.  Dwynd and Elia decide that they are going to split up.  Dwynd reasons that he can distract the sorceress long enough for Elia to poke around and find what she needs to break the binding on the fear demon.  Dwynd argues that, if things start to get shaky he can slip away.  He's faster than Elia and more likely to survive a brawl.  Elia is the sorcerer here.  She knows what she should be looking for regarding the fear demon anyway.


So, go in through the front door.  How could it possibly go wrong!?


Even though they are pushing against the clock, Elia takes the time to ensure that they have some sorcerous aid.





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This is an excellent thread Chaot. Just want to cast my vote for "keep 'em comin'!". It is extremely informative. Maybe it can inspire me to something worth adding other than kudos. Until then, great idea.

Present home-port: home-brew BRP/OQ SRD variant; past ports-of-call: SB '81, RQIII '84, BGB '08, RQIV(Mythras) '12,  MW '15, and OQ '17

BGB BRP: 0 edition: 20/420; .pdf edition: 06/11/08; 1st edition: 06/13/08

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Thanks.  Informative to all of us.  I keep finding my own blind spots.  For example, my next step was an elemental summoning.  In my own game summoning an elemental costs 1 mp for the summon spell, a minimum of 9 to set stats and 1 mp per 10% of skills.  It's possible for a starting sorcerer to summon one.


The real rules make it a bit more difficult, setting the minimum for summoning at 28 mp.  Elia is out of luck.  She's going to have to go in with the little magic she knows.  Wings of the Sky will buy her a round or two if she gets into trouble but really she's got little in the way of mojo smack down right now.


However, the plan stands.  The GM Emulator gave Elia a very strong success.  I was going to attribute that to making a good bargain with a sylph but we'll just say that she has no trouble sneaking in and finding the magic doodad she needs to break.


So, as we said, Xariil and her demons are hiding out in a run down fort in the hills above Lascalan Forest.  The duo wait until evening and then Dwynd enters through the front, making a big show of knocking on the gate and calling out for hospitality.  In the meantime, Elia slips in through the back.


Elias is very successful.  She finds the doodad.  She pokes around and pockets a few things, then she heads out to help Dwynd.


Dwynd is not doing so well.  Xariil had planed to rebind her lost fear demon this evening.  She changes her plans now that Dwynd is here.  Instead, she decides to put the demon off and try out her Curse of Sorcery spell.  Xariil casts Compulsion and matches her 17 POW against Dwynd's 16 POW.  Xariil wins and Dwynd is now pliable.  Xariil brings her demons out as back up, just in case something goes wrong.  She then casts Curse of Sorcery on Dwynd.  Yikes.


So, I pulled out my metamorphic pdf.  It's a bunch of random tables, basically.  Sometimes I use it for things like this.  A couple die rolls later...  Ok, that's rather nasty.  Dwynd's right eye is transformed.  He now has two fingers sprouting from his socket.  Man, sorcerers are nasty.


Elia catches the end of the ceremony.  She sends two arrows into Xariil, who crumples to the ground.  Xariil's two demons gather her up and flee.  Odd behavior?  Probably part of their binding which means Xariil is not dead.


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I am so happy this forum has autosave!  I almost lost this post!


Where do we go to now?  Let's take stock.



Elia - Her first magic staff goal is almost done.  She has the necessary stuff to craft one from pilfering Xariil's stock.  She still will want a second one.  She also wants to track down a couple of spells.  Elia has a lot of work ahead of her.


Dwynd - He has just developed a new goal.  He doesn't like what happened to him and wants it reversed.  First he has to figure out how to do that.  He also wants revenge on Xariil.  After discussion, Dwynd and Elia decide that they were lucky to escape.  They need more resources before they try to take on Xariil again.



There's a fear demon out there that needs dealt with.



Xariil is angry and looking for revenge.


So let's start with our demon buddy.  Our random event was "A terrifying demon, escaped from the mage who summoned it."  Normally, when a summoning goes awry the demon breaks out of it's magic circle (or whatever) and attacks the summoner.  Actually, a summoning can go very badly.  Those fumbles are terrifying.


Anyway, for whatever reason, this demon is happy staying active in the Southern Reaches.  It has no desire to return to whatever foul plane it sprang from.  Which means that I've got a new NPC.  Conveniently, it means we can take a look at the demon summoning rules a bit early.


A True Name is something that every demon has.  It's something that gives you a lot of control over the beast.  Knowing a demon's true name lets you resummon the creature whenever you want.  Binding a demon knowing it's true name means that the binding doesn't count against your INT limit too, which is nice for a sorcerer with a lot of spells and bindings.


Nobody in our game knows this demons true name yet.  For the purpose of this thread, I'm going to go ahead an name him Sc'Aa'Ree.  We'll just call him Scary though.  To save my poor brain from thinking, I pulled out the Metamorphica again and rolled some dice.  Scary is a big chitinous thing.  Stinking out around it's shells is long wiry dark hair.  It's skin is muscular and bluish purple.  It has a mane and it's face is an unholy mixture of an insect and a bear.  It clicks when it walks and reeks of an acidic, vomit-like smell.


Scary is going to be a lesser demon.  It's POW is 3d8, which I've rolled to be a 10.  Because Scary is a lesser demon, he can't have more than 24 d8s in characteristics.  Three of those go to POW, so he only has 21 more characteristic points to spend.  None of Scary's abilities or skills can go above 100 percent either.  If we wanted to get specific, we could sit down and decide how big a pool of MP Xariil was working with when she tried her summons and define Scary from that.  Right now I just want to know what Scary does.


Looking at the Ability table I decide that Scary has Carapace, Claw, Darkness and Spray Venom.  I think it's a good idea to dig into the pros and cons of some of these demon abilities.  Probably save that for when Talred starts summoning.  Honestly, I feel like binding fully formed demons is a suckers game.  If you have some nefarious deed that needs done, summon, pay the pact price, and let the nasty little beast take care of it.  The real power in demon bindings is putting the suckers into objects.  The priority I think is armor, weapons, then skills.  After that you can think about binding yourself a demon buddy.


Ok, so what happens next?

Elia and Dwynd meet up with our terror demon Scary.  Scary generally operates in his own personal Darkness, so Dwynd and Elia have not actually seen what he looks like.  They only know his foul odor, his heavy animal breath and the constant clacking sounds that he makes.  They hand over the doodad, a soft pulsing veiny stone, which Scary takes in his claw.  Scary breaks it in two and hands it back to Dwynd and Elias.  He tells them they should hold on to the stone halves and that he expects he will see them again.


Elia promises that they'll find a way to make Dwynd's face.  Dwynd decides that he doesn't have a lot of options and curses himself for getting involved with a sorcerer.


They hole up someplace to make Elia's staff.  It takes them 6 weeks and 1,500 bronzes (my estimate before was off).  In the end, Elia ends up with a half staff that's twisted as if caught in a strong wind.  It has a large opal at the head of it.  It stores 17 mp and Elia's new POW is 17.


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Much as I'm enjoying the life path stuff, I thought it might behoove us to take a moment and get theoretical.  There are three theoretical topics I would really like to dig into.  The first is sorcery spell structure/combinations/specific circumstances.  The second it Deep Magic and its workings.  The third is Demon Abilities.


I should probably dig into the sorcery spell system first because it acts as a nice zero line to compare the others to.  I don't feel like it though.  I feel like Deep Magic.  So Deep Magic it is.


I've used Deep Magic before but not strictly by the book.    It has been a long time since Deep Magic has been featured in one of my games.  I suspect Deep Magic is the system that we are all the shakiest on.  So, I think if we all hit each other with questions and comments on Deep Magic we'll all be in a better position to use it in our games.


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I'm definitely looking forward to discussion concerning Deep Magic. I currently have a player running a Mage using it in my campaign and some things I just make up as we go along.

Deep Magic seems pretty straight forward but when you get a creative player pushing the envelope it can get tricky.

Author QUASAR space opera system: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/459723/QUASAR?affiliate_id=810507

My Magic World projects page: Tooleys Underwhelming Projects

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