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Cyberpunk Setting


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16 hours ago, ColinBrett said:

I've just uploaded a PDF of my BRP/CP2020 rules to the Sci-Fi/Other downloads section. It's also hosted on my own website at CP 2020 . In the future, I will be converting my old CP2020 campaign to this ruleset - I needed a baseline to work from - and will upload any adventures to this site.

I hope this proves useful.




One suggestion though. 

Perhaps Art (Wardrobe and Style) should increase or decrease App, and then failure/fumble the opposite.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I almost cried for joy when I've seen this topic :D
I'm always been a huge cyberpunk fan (Cyberpunk 2020 is on the top of my all-time favourite rpgs) and all the discussion / the files posted here are pure gold! Incidentally I was planning a RQ/OQ conversion of CP2020 to play a short campaign with some friends next month... seems like you're easing my troubles for the whole thing!

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I've just uploaded Downtown Saturday Night , the first scenario for a BRP/Cyberpunk crossover campaign, using the rules and background developed in this thread. Useful resources for a GM in this scenario would include

Cyberpunk 2020

Shadowrun Seattle Sourcebook

Shadowrun Sprawl Sites maps and encounters

and, of course, the rules discussed here. The sourcebooks above are by no means required to run the scenario but they do add extra background and details.

If this scenario proves useful to you all out there, I have several other missions from the same campaign ready to convert and publish here.


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Hi Colin, I'd be interested. There's a dearth of good CP adventures out there. I recently read a great one, "A Facsimile of Death" by Interface Zero for FATE. It has a lot of FATE-y mechanics in it, but basically one can drop it right into BRP with no issues as long as one is good at statting up enemies that give the party a good challenge.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've just uploaded Bad Acid as a follow-up to the Downtown Saturday Night scenario I posted up-thread. There'll be more on the way over the next few weeks.

This scenario contains a rough map of a warehouse, which was not in the original hand-written notes. Instead, I used floorplans from Games Workshop's Slaughter Margin scenario and Citi-Block set for their Judge Dredd RPG. If the GM has these or similar floorplans, I'm sure they would be useful here.



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