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Chaosium announces end of Magic World product line


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4 hours ago, MOB said:

As noted at the beginning of this thread back in 2016, we know that Magic World has a small but devoted following, and we have no issue with Magic World continuing on as licensed/fan-produced product.

Would it be possible to include it in a Community Created scheme such as Jonstown Compendium?

Or even to have a new scheme for all minor systems such as Magic World or BRP?

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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Thank you for doing this.  That price should help.  I already own a copy of MW's pdf.  I suspect lowering it to $9 or $10 could also have worked.  Some companies are tending to ask far too high a price for pdfs these days (I'm looking at you, Modiphius!). 

I just bought a copy of the AS pdf.

I hope the lower price does garner more sales.

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Wow! Buying both the Magic World core book and the Advanced Sorcery book in pdf format for a total of $6 USD (approx $8 AUD) is a pretty good deal.

But with limited promotion I don't think it's going to get too many new sales. Most of us who know of the game already have the pdfs. Unless there are advertisements on DrivethruRPG and various outher forums, then I don't think the sales are going to be all that high unfortunately.

But I'll be spreading the word where I can 

Edited by Mankcam
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" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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On 3/31/2023 at 12:50 AM, Coronoides said:

With Magic World now available as a POD and a new BRP BGB edition being released under ORC what, if any, are the implications for Magic World fan works?

I am not a lawyer.
I am not Chaosium.

I'd abide by the ORC license for BRP:UGE products, and the (c) notice for MW products.

Chaosium has been very clear, so far, that the ORC license only applies to book released under the ORC license -- note particularity that the BGB is not  ORC-licensed, only the BRP:UGE volume is! 

It looks to me like a well-crafted BRP/ORC book could be written to be 100% MW-compatible.  Consult a lawyer -- or better yet, get permission directly from Chaosium -- before advertising/selling it as a MW-compatible product.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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On 3/31/2023 at 8:50 AM, Coronoides said:

With Magic World now available as a POD and a new BRP BGB edition being released under ORC what, if any, are the implications for Magic World fan works?

Nothing currently. No part of Magic World has been released under ORC, so Magic World fan works are currently covered by the existing fan works policy I believe.

I have had conversations with Chaosium that indicate things _might_ change, but as ever, Magic World is a very low priority item.

3 hours ago, g33k said:

It looks to me like a well-crafted BRP/ORC book could be written to be 100% MW-compatible. 

Technically yes, but there are subtleties: the spell list in Magic World is considerably longer, for example. Relying solely on ORC text from BRP:UGE would be usable with Magic World, but not 100% compatible, and the Magic World specific stuff is NOT ORC licensed currently.

3 hours ago, g33k said:

Consult a lawyer -- or better yet, get permission directly from Chaosium -- before advertising/selling it as a MW-compatible product.

This. The existing Fanwork policy covers Magic World, but for anything else, you’d really have to discuss with Chaosium.

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It's a pity it couldn't just be put under the UGE umbrella, and re-relapsed as OGL.

There really isn't all that much in core Magic World that isn't in the UGE. And Magic World would be the ideal generic FRPG to serve as a core setting and ruleset, that the UGE really needs. It could be like Cidri, Trollworld, Forgotten Realm, Greyhawk, Questworld,  and Yrth were to their repective game systems. An open "default" setting that everyone could use.

It would probably get more traction that way too. Third parties would know what the terms were, etc.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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