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Legend, Open Content, how to continue.


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21 minutes ago, Agentorange said:

A revised edition would be nice , are you open to suggestions for extra material ?

I am thinking of redoing it for Revolution D100, as that would fit quite nicely.

22 minutes ago, Agentorange said:

Expanded bestiary - there's a few more  creatures from earth history that could be statted up

Yes, thinking about those. I chose the ones that were fairly obvious.

I am not particularly interested in having orcs as man-eating cavemen, though, as I don't think that sort of thing fits what Land of Ice and Stone stands for. some people love that kind of thing, but not for me.

23 minutes ago, Agentorange said:

expanded shamanic rules, maybe around the animal totems idea ?

Yes, that is something I wanted to play with.

Land of Ice and Stone is meant to be a primitive setting, so does not have advanced animism, but having local spirits to do things fits just fine.

24 minutes ago, Agentorange said:

Possibly given the Good Berry spell different plants could have different totemic spells, For example there could be a willow spirit useful in fighting fevers and illness and so on

Yes, that makes a lot of sense, thanks.

Part of fighting disease would be to bargain with the spirit, feeding and placating it so that is helps.

25 minutes ago, Agentorange said:

I did like the cave painting style artwork, I felt it suited the subject matter pretty well, but extra artwork would also be nice - but not essential

I was constrained to using Mongoose's art resources, which were god but restricted.

If I did a new version I would use different artwork.

The cave painting style would continue, though.

I was thinking of doing the Mammoth Steppe, or the Great North River as alternate settings. 

Also, need a way to slot in the Denisovans, who were not really known when I wrote Land of Ice and Stone.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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1 hour ago, soltakss said:

"I am thinking of redoing it for Revolution D100, as that would fit quite nicely."

I can't make my mind up about RD100...I think on balance I prefer legend


" I am not particularly interested in having orcs as man-eating cavemen, though, as I don't think that sort of thing fits what Land of Ice and Stone stands for. some people love that kind of thing, but not for me."

Totally agree...as you say in the introduction it is a romanticised view of the period but still rooted in reality, orcs etc would be jarringly out of place. But there's still a good few creatures that could be used, especially if players are going to be playing in America or Africa. Granted the geographical features would be different but I think the notions of tribal or clan based society etc would be pretty much universal


"Land of Ice and Stone is meant to be a primitive setting, so does not have advanced animism, but having local spirits to do things fits just fine."

I think you could take the animism as far as you wanted, there's no written records so there might have been a very sophisticated ceremonial or spiritual life for all we know. Maybe there could be some kind of sympathetic magic associated with cave painting, who knows what really was the case. If you didn't want that as core rules they could be optional side bar rules or something of a similiar nature

something else that struck me was given the importance of crafting and basic skills there could ( mechanics  permitting )be room for expansion in that area, maybe plant lore could expanded to a herbalism skill, flint knapping and other skills expanded and so on



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3 hours ago, Agentorange said:

I can't make my mind up about RD100...I think on balance I prefer legend

RD100 has a really good way of doing skills, but Legend is also really good. I am probably 51/49 in favour of Revolution D100 at the moment.

However, if I produced an updated version for Legend, that might step on Mongoose's toes. Much better, for me, to produce a RD100 supplement and link back to Legend in boxed texts or with a conversion guide.

It probably would  not be called Land of Ice and Stone, though.

3 hours ago, Agentorange said:

I think you could take the animism as far as you wanted, there's no written records so there might have been a very sophisticated ceremonial or spiritual life for all we know. Maybe there could be some kind of sympathetic magic associated with cave painting, who knows what really was the case. If you didn't want that as core rules they could be optional side bar rules or something of a similiar nature

Yes, sympathetic magic using cave painting, and the acoustic properties of the caves, makes a lot of sense.

3 hours ago, Agentorange said:

something else that struck me was given the importance of crafting and basic skills there could ( mechanics  permitting )be room for expansion in that area, maybe plant lore could expanded to a herbalism skill, flint knapping and other skills expanded and so on

I have done something with Crafting in the Book of Doom, so could adapt some of the ideas. To a certain extent, the Craft () skill is enough description, as people know what it means, but we can expand on it to describe the various crafts. 

I had some feedback regarding some of the things in Land of Ice and Stone, so would include that as clarifications and expansions.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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3 hours ago, soltakss said:

RD100 has a really good way of doing skills, but Legend is also really good. I am probably 51/49 in favour of Revolution D100 at the moment.


Somewhat of a sideways comment....but have you looked at Wurm ? if so what did you think ? I keep thinking about buying the PDF but haven't quite got round to it.....

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27 minutes ago, Agentorange said:

Somewhat of a sideways comment....but have you looked at Wurm ?

I looked at it when it came out in French, professional interest.

So far, I have not bought the English version, I suppose I should.

28 minutes ago, Agentorange said:

if so what did you think ?

It looked gorgeous, but I am not sure that I understood the system.

It is very different from Land of Ice and Stone.

29 minutes ago, Agentorange said:

I keep thinking about buying the PDF but haven't quite got round to

If you are interested in that era then it is worth buying.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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