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Cradle of Heroes (character creator app)


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New feature: you can now add NPCs, creatures, demons and other strangeness to the RQ app without needing to go through full character creation. Just enter the stats, passions, runes, skills, attacks that you need, chose a body type and you're ready to go.

Once signed in, you can add creatures & NPCs under the Add Content navigation menu. This is a single page form, so it takes a bit, but once a monster or NPC is entered once, if it's made open, anyone can copy it and update as required. This means that you can now add mounts, spirit animals, elementals, etc.

Once added, they show up and can be updated just like any other character.

This is a new feature, so there are probably some bugs. The ones I know about:

  • No way to update the unique attacks added
  • Need to update view to show powers
  • Need to add other hit location maps (a bunch are already there - hopefully the most common)
  • Can't have stats of 0 yet (so spirits & elementals can be given a 3 in stats they don't need)

You can find creatures using the search on the main index page. I'll create a database query as well in the next wee bit.

Here is a Telmori Wolf-Brother for your viewing pleasure: https://rq-web.herokuapp.com/view_character/2711




Edited by Cgeist7
Added second image.
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Finished up work on showing Powers - whether natural, from geases or heroquests, they can be added in the Magic panel. 

I also added the Duplicate function, which allows you to copy any of your own characters (but remember you can already copy any Open characters into your roster). This should be especially cool & a crazy time-saver for things like horses or NPC. Yeah, they are all Peltasts, but the captain (copy, modify) is a bad-ass. 

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Found an issue. 

I created a new adventurer.  I then attempted to change that adventurers magic by clicking on the magic button.  This lead to an error page



The link is https://rq-web.herokuapp.com/edit_magic/2788 and the NPC is https://rq-web.herokuapp.com/view_character/2788.  I tried to raise a ticket in trello but was still unable to do so. 


Edited by Chekmx
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I made a few more updates based on my personal experience and user requests.

1st, Factions now have the summary view of characters that was in the Encounter view. It has been super useful to me in running RQiG to have my NPCs info in one place and Factions now gets to that outcome faster.

Example here: http://rq-web.herokuapp.com/view_faction/christopherallison-queens-spears

2nd, one of my players wanted to have all of the base & unimproved skills as part of their character. All basic skills will now be added to each NEW character and the view character page now has another skills tab for Base skills and they are automatically added to the modify character screen.

Example here (who also happens to be a vampire): http://rq-web.herokuapp.com/view_character/2864






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Quick update here. The app now sorts characters from the newest to the oldest. I also added a bunch of new hit locations models to the add creature function.

Now included:

  • Beetles
  • Birds (running, flying)
  • Centaurs
  • Dragons/Manticore
  • Humanoids (normal, winged)
  • Four-legged animals (normal, winged)
  • Mammoths/Mastodons
  • Serpents (normal, winged)
  • Giant Spiders
  • Wyverns

Finally, I started working on social sharing (Twitter cards, etc), but need to do some more work to figure out the details.



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Hi @BalazarLightson - the additional runes and ability to worship multiple gods are already in place. Once you've created your character, just select the edit button to update runes or add new ones or the magic button to add powers from heroquests, magic and new cults.

Edited by Cgeist7
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  • Cgeist7 changed the title to Cradle of Heroes (formerly Runequest Glorantha character creator app)

Would it be possible to show a characters strongest rune(s) as an image instead of the default "hand against the glass image" if no image is added? Or maybe show runes below in the short description. It would give a quick hint on how the character is disposed.

This is a great application. Big thanks!

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56 minutes ago, Dragonsnail said:

Would it be possible to show a characters strongest rune(s) as an image instead of the default "hand against the glass image" if no image is added? Or maybe show runes below in the short description. It would give a quick hint on how the character is disposed.

This is a great application. Big thanks!

That's a really great idea and is totally doable. Does anyone have a set of the runes as image files I could use?

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2 hours ago, Dragonsnail said:

Would it be possible to show a characters strongest rune(s) as an image instead of the default "hand against the glass image" if no image is added? Or maybe show runes below in the short description. It would give a quick hint on how the character is disposed.

This is a great application. Big thanks!

Question: would it be useful to be able to search by rune as well? As in, “I want all Fire rune aspected characters.”

Also, what range of runes would be interested - just Elemental? Highest wherever it is?

I want to make sure I understand the use cases before I start work.


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3 hours ago, Cgeist7 said:

Also, what range of runes would be interested - just Elemental? Highest wherever it is?

I want to make sure I understand the use cases before I start work.

I wonder if it would be possile to display the runes sized by rating and automatically tesselated, if your tool set has a treemap or bubble cloud library that can handle images.

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8 hours ago, Dragonsnail said:

I like how non-player characters descriptions in Heroquest books often was listed with their main runes, so it came from there.

A bunch more small updates made:

  • Stats are now correctly sorted (I think someone asked for this)
  • unusable fields in other people's characters are now disabled
  • Now tracking the ranked top 3 runes for each character
  • Displaying up to 3 top runes on character cards
  • Slight language changes around searching
  • Added area for special weapon/attack effects (currently only for creatures)

Default rune images still to come @Dragonsnail

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On 6/19/2019 at 2:40 PM, Dragonsnail said:

I like how non-player characters descriptions in Heroquest books often was listed with their main runes, so it came from there.

I tried the runes as character images, but they looked... not good.

I really liked the idea though, so added rune images to the character cards, as well as the view character screen. Hope this meets your objectives.

I also made some updates to make the main page a bit more orderly.




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Another update to the Cradle:

  • Updated character creation stats to match correct order
  • Updated edit "Attacks & Weapons" page to improve usability
  • Added custom attacks & weapons to edit "Attacks & Weapons" from character view
  • Folks now able to add any weapons or attacks with special abilities
    • Iron weapons
    • Magic or mythic weapons
    • Special attacks (once a skill has been added)
  • Various small updates

Sample: https://www.cradleofheroes.net/view_character/3366



Edited by Cgeist7
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Hi all,

It's not what I'd call core functionality, but I made the following updates:

  • when you are creating or editing a character, changing statistics now shows live changes to attributes (damage bonus, SR, MP, HP, etc) and Skill Category modifiers (Agility, Communications, etc.)
  • Same attribute functionality for creating an NPC or creature (they don't user Skill Category mods for initial creation).
  • In character creation, Rune bonuses are added and update live from the roll stats screen
  • Lots of small quality of life changes

I'll do a little video to show this in action tomorrow.



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