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Adventure of the Treacherous Pict

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It's the big adventure of the Beyond The Wall supplement (3e edition). I like the feel of it, and it will be on the table for the next gaming session. I will probably add a nucklelavee encounter somewhere because I like them so much since Bard's tale ^^

Did any of you play it? Any tips?

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We played it, but that was several years ago. I quickly glanced through it and if the memory serves, we did play it rather straight from the book.

One thing I would pay special attention to is Bagdemagus' son, Meliagrance, and the time where this adventure is set. It says any time after 521 is good, but I think it is meant more for 520s than 530s, since Meliagrance is only 21 during the adventure and not really a good foil for Lancelot in late 530s if he is just a young knight. Of course, you can replace him in that story and say that guy was Meliagaunt, a totally different knight altogether! But it would be better, IMHO, to run this adventure if possible in Conquest and then have the PKs meet Meliagrance during 530s to renew their 'acquaintance'.

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1 hour ago, Morien said:

One thing I would pay special attention to is Bagdemagus' son, Meliagrance

Of course! My campaign is currently in 533, and I want to settle Meliagrance/Méléagant as a villain before 538, to initiate their "acquaintance" as you say. I will buff him to be a real menace, just a few years before his greatest accomplishment... The tricky thing will be to keeping him alive, I fear. If he dies anyway, I suppose same faerie prince named Melwas or Meliagaunt could remplace him. That's the richness of the arthurian lore!

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4 hours ago, Tizun Thane said:

The tricky thing will be to keeping him alive, I fear.

Or alternatively, keep him from killing the PKs, since you are buffing him up (as I agree you should, for timeline reasons). Probably the best option is for 'King' Bagdemagus to stay put for the duel, and demand that it is to first blood only. Then there can be another duel later on, during the tournament, which can be more climactic. It is actually reasonably difficult to die in Pendragon, outside of a lucky critical when you are already in low hit points. So with a bit of care, it is probably not too bad.

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