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Calling Murfin MS !


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Dear Murfin ,

As you're working on a bestiary I thought you might be interested in the following, I've been compiling a list of creatures and monsters from BRP related games to form a sort of BRP monster list/bestiary. My criteria were:

1] The beastie concerned must have been published by chaosium or one of their licensees at some point.

2] The creature mustn't be unique to settings that Chaosium doesn't have legal rights to, for example Glorantha or any Moorcockian setting. What does this mean in practice? Well, if we look at the Gloranthan bestiary for RQ3, creatures such as Mistress race Trolls, Charnjibbers, Dwerulan etc wouldn't be acceptable, they are unigue to Glorantha and don't exist outside that setting. However creatures such as Scorpionmen, Cockatrice, Sabre tooth cat etc would be acceptable as they are derived from real world creatures or real world mythology. They are in Glorantha but not of Glorantha if you see what I mean. Likewise from the old Elric system the Eloinen and Graahlur ( spelling ? ) don't make it as they are purely Moorcockian inventions. but the Kraken would for the same reasons as the Cockatrice etc

3] No cthulhoid mythos stuff, CoC already has it's own bestiary. However non cthulhoid supernatural creatures and animals appearing in CoC supplement sare fair game. I've deliberately not included Dreamlands stuff ( with the exception of the Yak and Llama ) as I felt most of it it was unique to that setting , and as Dreamlands has a fairly extensive bestiary it seemed a bit pointless

4] ....I've forgotten what 4 was. Ah yes, full stats block was provided for each creature

I'm compiling this list based on supplements I own, It's a work in progress as I've got boxes of stuff up the loft I need to ferret through so I'll be adding to it as I go along.

Which brings me to a plea to all reading this thread, If you've got A BRP related supplement that's got a monster or creature in it that could be added to the list please post it in this thread and I'll keep updating the list ( if you could mention the supplement as well that'd be helpful

The colour coding:

BLUE Represents real earth animals, including giant versions thereof

BROWN Represents creatures that I know are drawn from Earth mythology

The List:

Allosaurus, Amphisboena, Ankylosaur, Ant ( giant ), Antelope (various),Archnar Argus, Assassin Bug , Aurochs, Baboon, Bakemono, Baku, Baluchithere, Bandersnatch, Barguest, Barracuda, Basilisk, Bat, Bat ( giant ), Bee (giant), Beetle ( giant ), Behemoth, Bison, Boar (wild), Bobcat, Bosatsu, Brachiosaur, Brollachan, Brontosaur, Buffalo, Bunyip, Bush Grandmother, Bush pig, Camarasaur Camel (dromedary), Camptosaur, Cat, Catoblepas, Cattle, Centipede ( giant ), Ceratosaur, Cheetah, Chimpanzee, Chimera, Chonchon, Clam ( giant ), Cockatrice, Condor, Crab ( giant ), Crocodile: sand ( Quinkania ), Deinonychus, Deer, Diplodocus, Diprotodon, Dog ( various ), Dolphin, Dragon (Ryu), Draugr, Eagle, Eel (giant ), Electric Eel, Elephant, Elk,Engineer ( alien ),Fachan, Faun, Fin Back, Flamingo, Fox, Fly (giant), Gaper, Giant (fire), Giant (frost), Giraffe, Glyptodont, Goblin, Golem, Gorgon, Gorgosaur, Grampus, Harpy, Hawk ( giant ), Headhanger, Hellion, Hippogriff, Hippopotamus, Hydra ( lesser and greater ), Hyena, Iguanadon, Impala, Jabberwock, Jackal, Jannoch Jellyfish, Jubjub bird, Jugis, Kappa, Kia, Kelpie, Kojin, Kraken, Lake Monster, Lamia, Land Walrus, Land Whale Leech ( giant ), Leopard, Lich, Lizard ( rock ), Llama, Lynx, Mammoth ( various ), Manatee, Man eating plant, Marine Iguana ( giant ), Marsupial lion (thylacoleo carnifex ), Megalania prisca ( giant monitor lizard ), Megalodon, Megalosaur, Manticore, Merfolk, Mihirungs, Mimis,, Monkey, Monoclonius, Moose, Moth (giant), Moray eel, Mujina, Mukade, Murex ( giant ), Myo O, Narghun, Ngarang, Ninya, Nuckalavee, Nymph ( various ), Octopus, Octopus (giant), Ogre, Okapi, Ostrich, Panther, Peccaries, Peripati (giant), Plesiosaur, Praying mantis ( giant ), Quinkans, Raccoon dog, Redcap, Reef Lobster, Rhinoceros, Rhinoceros ( woolly ), Roc, Sabre tooth Tiger, Sand dragon, Sasquatch, Satyr, Scarecrow, Schratt, Scorpionmen, Scorpion (giant), Seal, Sea Serpent, Sea slug ( giant ), Sea Turtle, Shark men, Sloth (giant) Snapping turtle (various), Solpugid (giant ), Soul Anenome Sparrowhawk, Sphinx, Spider (giant), Spirit ( various ), Sprite, Squid (giant ) Stegosaur, Stingray, Stingworm, Stoorworm, Strangle weed, Styracosaurus Succubus, Swan Maiden, Tarsier, Ten, Tengu, Termite (giant), Tick (giant), Titanothere, Toad ( cliff ), Trachodon, Triceratops, Unicorn, Vinegaroon (giant), Vough, Vulture, Walrus, Wart hog, Wasp (giant) Wa tha guln darl, Water Leaper,Were Bear, Were Jaguar, Were Tiger, Were Wolf, Whale ( various ), White Ape, Whowie, Wildebeest, Windchild, Worm ( large AKA nalargrun ), Wraith, Wyrm, Wyvern Yak, Yuki Onna, Zebra

Ps I haven't included creatures from the BRP rulebook as I'm assuming everybody here has a copy, if folks would like me do so for the sake of completeness I'll happily do so.

Edited by Agentorange
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The Book of Uz in the RQ2 Troll Pack has a great list of giant insects and spiders including: Giant Ants, Centipedes, Crabs, Beetles, Flies, Bees, Locusts, Moths, Peripati, Scorpians, Praying Mantises, a plethera of Spiders, Solpugids, Stingworms, Termites, Ticks, Wasps and Vinegaroons.

Hopefully these will be of some help. I have recently been digging through this book because I am working on kind of a giant jungle setting in need of all sorts of giant creepy things.

I am looking forward to see what you come up with on this little Project.:thumb:

Woops, on a second look I see you have most of these on the list. The Giant praying mantis is missing though.

Edited by Puck


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Hmm, I may have to dig out my Atlantis Bestiary from Bard Publications ...


The best darned Bestiary ever made!


But, when at the last the arm of Skarl shall cease to beat his drum, silence shall startle Pegana like thunder in a cave, and MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI shall cease to rest......Lord Dunsany

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So, looking back over the list, some more additions in no particular order.

Ghosts (CoC and Bronze Grimoire)

Ghouls (CoC and Bronze Grimoire)

Skeletons (CoC and Bronze Grimoire, but I like the CoC write up better)

Vampires (CoC and RQ3?)

Zombies (CoC)

Abominations (Bronze Grimoire. They're Golems. I included them for drawing inspiration.)

Shark, Large (Sailing on the Seas of Fate)

Elementals (Elric!/SB5 and RQ)

Worm, Large (the Nalargrun from Fate of Fools and Atlas of the Young Kingdoms vol. 1)

Ponies (Atlas of the Young Kingdoms vol. 1)

Lion (Unknown East)

Dragons (Elric!/SB5)

Crocodile, Ancient (Melnibone)

Mammoth, Lesser (Melnibone)

Giant Squid (Sea Kings of the Purple Towns)

Sea Turtles (Perils of the Young Kingdoms)

Edit: There are also large bats that are used for mounts in the Corum book. Since it was published by Darcsyde, I don't know if the material would be available for a book.


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Does anyone know if any BRP product ever did the stats for a giant rat? I'm adding them to Sword & Spell and would like to use official stats if they exist. Something about the size of a medium dog.


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I'd take the Rat-Thing from CoC and bump the numbers up a bit. Elric!/SB5 also has stats for a rat pack.

Thanks, the rat pack is also in the BRP core book, but I didn't know about the Rat Thing, or its been so long I had forgotten. I'll take a peek at it tonight after work.

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"D100 - Exactly 5 times better than D20"

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So, looking back over the list, some more additions in no particular order.

Ghosts (CoC and Bronze Grimoire)

Ghouls (CoC and Bronze Grimoire)

Skeletons (CoC and Bronze Grimoire, but I like the CoC write up better)

Vampires (CoC and RQ3?)

Zombies (CoC)

Abominations (Bronze Grimoire. They're Golems. I included them for drawing inspiration.)

Shark, Large (Sailing on the Seas of Fate)

Elementals (Elric!/SB5 and RQ)

Worm, Large (the Nalargrun from Fate of Fools and Atlas of the Young Kingdoms vol. 1)

Ponies (Atlas of the Young Kingdoms vol. 1)

Lion (Unknown East)

Dragons (Elric!/SB5)

Crocodile, Ancient (Melnibone)

Mammoth, Lesser (Melnibone)

Giant Squid (Sea Kings of the Purple Towns)

Sea Turtles (Perils of the Young Kingdoms)

Edit: There are also large bats that are used for mounts in the Corum book. Since it was published by Darcsyde, I don't know if the material would be available for a book.

Sea Turtle, Squid and Nalargrun added, I think the rest are either in the BRP book or on the list

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A bunch of stuff added from the Elfquest book I have given the real earth name eg Glyptodont rather than the Elfquest name eg Shellback. Rather handily the Elfquest book tells which earth creatures these actually are :D Finback and Strangle weed added with original name as no Earth equivalent given

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Dug out my copy of the Gateway Bestiary, took out generic dinosaur names, replaced with more specific dinosaur types added a couple of creatures I'd forgotten and generally tidied up the list a bit.

Which means if I've counted correctly that's 193 creatures which could go into a BRP bestiary just on what they've produced in the past let alone any new ones

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Dug out my copy of the Gateway Bestiary, took out generic dinosaur names, replaced with more specific dinosaur types added a couple of creatures I'd forgotten and generally tidied up the list a bit.

Which means if I've counted correctly that's 193 creatures which could go into a BRP bestiary just on what they've produced in the past let alone any new ones

I love my Gateway Bestiary, but I have to say the dinosaur stats seem kind of suspect. If I remember right, the T-Rex has a Bite attack of 180%. this seems suspiciously like the 18 Hit Dice it had in AD&D multiplied by 10. And it seems to be that way right across the board with the dinosaurs. I would suggest that if you compile these beasties, they be made a little more compatible with the newer versions.


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"D100 - Exactly 5 times better than D20"

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I love my Gateway Bestiary, but I have to say the dinosaur stats seem kind of suspect. If I remember right, the T-Rex has a Bite attack of 180%. this seems suspiciously like the 18 Hit Dice it had in AD&D multiplied by 10. And it seems to be that way right across the board with the dinosaurs. I would suggest that if you compile these beasties, they be made a little more compatible with the newer versions.


No doubt the creatures would need a bit of renovating to bring them in line with the BRP rulebook. What I'm trying to do at the moment is just get a full list of whats out there, lurking around in all the various incarnations of BRP. MurfinMS is doing his own bestiary at the moment and I thought it might be useful for him as a resource so he doesn't have to re invent the wheel as it were. I do think a BRP bestiary would be a good move for Chaosium marketing wise as the rulebook was a bit light on creatures. Not only would it be handy for players and gamemasters for their own games, but also for people writing supplements either for chaosium or as licensees as it gives them a ready resource to use in their own material

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What I'd like to see would be something along the lines of the following:

1] Creatures of nature

Lions, tigers sharks etc etc

2] Unnatural nature

Giant bugs, beasts etc

3] Creatures of the past

Dinosaurs, mammoths, killer kangaroos etc

4] Creatures from the edge

Yeti, mothman, chupathingymabob and other Cryptids

5] Creatures from myth and legend

Does what it says on the tin

6] Creatures from other skies

All sorts of aliens and extra terrestrial creatures

7] Creatures of weirdness

Giant venus fly traps, jabberwocks and other weird and wonderful beasts that don't really fit in elswhere.

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Added creatures from Elric/stormbringer publications: Rogue Mistress, Sorcerers of Pantang and The Unknown East

In a rather arbitary fashion I have excluded creatures described as "demons " but have included creatures ( like the giant sea slug and archnar ) which may be chaotically tinged but which are not described as demons. why ? Well, partly because you've got draw the line somewhere, but mostly because I feel demon breeds and abilities would be better in a magic supplement of some description. Obviously if a bestiary had a section called: Creatures from other dimensions/planes you could include a lot of the demon breeds as well.

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Added creatures from Terror Australis, a CoC book. They count as they are either prehistoric megafauna or creatures from Australian Aboriginal legend. Strangely although Procoptodon ( giant kangaroo ) is mentioned several times and has a picture no stats are provided for it...

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