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Are mongraphs only available from Chaosium ?


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It doesn't say so on their site, but on the other hand I've never seen them for retail sale. I ask because I'm going to get myself a copy of Ashes to Ashes. Now I could get it direct from Chaosium, but since I firmly believe that one of the things that BRP needs to flourish is publicity and retail support I was also considering ordering from my local book or hobby store.

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It doesn't say so on their site, but on the other hand I've never seen them for retail sale. I ask because I'm going to get myself a copy of Ashes to Ashes. Now I could get it direct from Chaosium, but since I firmly believe that one of the things that BRP needs to flourish is publicity and retail support I was also considering ordering from my local book or hobby store.

Monographs are specifically intended to drive up traffic through Chaosium's web site (on which they make far better margins than normal distribution sales). As such, they don't sell the monographs through normal distribution, but they don' prevent it - Leisure Games of London in the UK (and IIRC FanBoy 3 in Manchester) have previously carried some monographs. But it's an expensive way of getting them.



Edited by NickMiddleton
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Thanks for that Nick,

I suppose it makes sense from Chaosium's POV, in that they make a higher profit margin. But on the other hand it's a very limited market if they only sell from the website. Good exposure in hobby stores and bookshops seems to be a way to ensure a long term set of sales for BRP and it's supplements, and that ultimately I would of thought would mean long term survival for Chaosium. How can I convince my local hobby store to stock BRP stuff if it's only produced for a limited market or is prohibitively expensive for him to get in ?

Looking at my FRP buying habits most of the MRQ stuff I've bought has been straight off of the shelf at my nearest Waterstones....if there was BRP stuff eg: Ashes to Ashes on the shelf I'd buy that. Now of course I still can go to Chaosium and buy stuff, and indeed I'm going to do just that in a minute or two. But I've had to go looking for it in order to buy it. The young person just into gaming and browsing in his local store for stuff to buy isn't going to see that market, indeed they might not even be aware BRP or Chaosium exists. Likewise the older gamer rooting around for an impulse purchase to satisfy that gaming book addiction isn't going to spend money on a BRP supplement simply because it isn't there.

I suppose we've all got our own ideas about what BRP/Chaosium needs to do to prosper, mine is that they need to get themselves and their products out in the market a bit more. It's all very well having lots of wonderful products on your website, but if nobody knows you exist they're not going to come and buy them...

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