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Posts posted by AlWhoIsThatAl

  1. I am finding CoC much easier to run during Lockdown rather than Pathfinder and it's ilk. We all play over Zoom and unlike Pathfinder you don't have the same issue with maps, figures and the need to know where everyone is at any given moment in order to work out combat and spells. With CoC you can get away with a general description and if people say they were actually somewhere else it's no big deal. I'm running Horror on the Orient Express with 7 Players at the moment and it is proving to be excellent fun. I was going to use Roll20, even looked at it and then decided it really isn't needed. We had a massive fight in a railway carriage with 7 people versus 5 cultists and 2 red ghosty creatures and I just kept a running commnetary of where everyone was and it worked fine "No you can't shoot at the cultists because Ethel is in front of you, you'll need to move a bit" was the most that was needed. 
    You're doing the right thing by moving things away fromm dice rolling and combat. Even a single ghoul can take down a PC easily. 
    I liked Paper Chase, the way the ghouls were actually not really enemies and Douglas was just after his books. One you may like to try I'm just incorporating another Scenario - "The Auction" into Horror at the moment as a way of getting everyone started (The first chapter of Horror doesn't get the characters involved too well in my opinion). It's an excellent murder mystery with ghouls as it happens and a mad cultist... and if played "wrong" i.e. your cook chap wanting to start a fight he can easily end up on the ghouls dinner table !
    This lovely person has revamped the whole thing here up to 7th Ed as a series of downloads



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