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Keith Nellist

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Posts posted by Keith Nellist

  1. Here are some of mine: Ducks were created by Delecti, he did it to either protect or punish his followers. He made them ridiculous to humans as a joke. 

    Grotarons were the servants of Vadrus, like butlers and cooks, maids and grooms. They were treated very badly, and once, when they complained about only having one pair of hands, Vadrus ripped their heads off and replaced them with a spare arm. The Maidstone Mountains are not really mountains but the ruins of the Castle of Vadrus  -  "Made of Stone". 

    Lord Pavis created a new universe inside the Big Rubble - it was a mini universe and so far, follows the same trajectory as Glorantha, at an accelerated rate - Green Age, Golden Age, Storm Age, Darkness, Greater Darkness, Time. The Puzzle Canal is the Oceans in this mini-world, with each region in the maze corresponding to a zone in the Ocean (and the Seaslaver being similar to the Homeward Ocean) The "canals" are currents in the Oceans, and if they were properly understood would tell you about the doom currents in the "real" oceans. The "islands" correspond to the continents. 

    Jaldon Toothmaker is Waha! He just uses a different name to get around the fact that the person legally known as "Waha!" was banned from raiding Dragon Pass by Varajiia Nopor. 

    Good Shepherd is Eiritha's true love, Storm Bull and his cult plans to bring back the conditions of Genert's Garden. 

    The only people in the Lunar Empire that qualify as Examiners in the Red Moon cult are actually descendants of the Red Emperor. There are thousands of them, but if you are not a descendant, then tough luck. The Lunar clan names all have a similar meaning "Eel", "Il", mean something like "descendant of the Red Emperor". 

    There are no gods. They were all destroyed by Time. What gloranthans see as gods are just memories and some sort of collective subconcious. 




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