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Posts posted by Alabak2002

  1. 9 hours ago, RogerDee said:

    Hence a way to make Aquelarre more Lovecraftian

    Some time ago, looking for some details for my current campaign (TLDR), I had a look at existing "Middle Ages mythos". There you have DEUS VULT for RQ and "Cthulhu Dark Ages".

    There's no point on arguing; If you really want to put the Mythos into Aquelarre, go on with it. Take what you like from Aquelarre and mash it up with your Cthulhu game of choice.

    I've already done it in a way, but I don't see the point of replacing christian angels with "more alien" forms. I just considered BOTH mythos creatures and christian creatures could coexist (and also, the pagan gods and creatures do) to some degree. Angelical nature and appearance has changed through the centuries; they probably match the viewer's preferences. Perhaps some individual could see beyond that "magic"


    TLDR ...The plot of my campaign...

    I've said it before; I don't like to use much magic and creatures in my way of playing Aquelarre. I'm more "medieval" than demonic, and I make more use of politics, and human evil ways. But, just for this time, I decided to write something different, and came up with an idea of intertwining plots. One of them is the existence of a muslim necromancer that has found an incomplete copy of "a book" (2) that he wants to use to raise an army of undead to use it against the christian kings

    (2) If you look at wikipedia entry for the Battle of Simancas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Simancas you will find a "miracle" that a RPG gamer (and more, a Lovecraftian one) can easily interpret in a different angle. A friend of mine did some years ago, and wrote a "fanfiction" about that. I used his idea as starting point for my campaign,

    But the english wikipedia lacks an interesting detail about the battle aftermath. The christian army raided the muslim emir tent and seized his treasure and belongings, being one of them a luxuriosus Koran. The king split the book in parts and distributed it among his knights as reward. Emir Abderramán paid a fairly handsome reward for the parts. Some time ago I read a book that mentioned (take this with a grain of salt) that the first translation of the Necronomicon was made in Leon (the city I live in, capital of the Kingdom at the time) in the XIV century: So I distorted the non-story and made up a hidden copy of some mythos book among the pages of the split Koran. And some pages remain hidden somewhere, two centuries later (3). So, the necromancer ritual fails, and lots of dead people are roaming the lands, "half-undead". And a few of them are fallen christians, that ask the PCs for help

    (3) I'm using 1174 as the date of my campaign. That means a lot of things are different from the standard setting of Aquelarre

    (4) A second plotline runs around the Lesmes family. Two brothers and a younger sister (5) that have been suffering a series of misfortunes lately. The brothers are, in secret, members of a secret society, an older, cruder branch of the "Fraternitas Vera Lucis" mentioned in the Aquelarre Core. Some of the later adventure are related to that "King Ramiro's Sword Guild" hunting down pagan believers, witches and sorcerers. There's little known about King Ramiro of Asturias, "the Stick of Justice" (790-850 AD) but he scared off viking invasions, fought against thieves and "mages", that is, non-christian believers, getting rid of them in his kingdom and repopulated some land south of the mountains. So this guy's name fits well in Aquelarre. 

    (5) Overlooked by them, moved by resentment against the men of her family and guided in dreams by a misterious power, his own sister has been playing with black magic and causing tragic disgraces. That power is luring her, and ultimately he will flee his home and look for his own destiny. The PCs will have to track down the fugitive and, like in the TV series, she will slip between their fingers once and again

    All those plots would converge in the southern edge of the realm, in the no-man's land of the Frontier. And there, some of the mentioned Mythos traits will be used, when the PCs, that have joined the King's army on the siege and assault of the city of Coria and its roman walls, try to rescue the girl from the muslim sorcerer, that has got the missing part of the book from her.

    Just she is not there against her will, has learnt lots in the mean time, and become powerful enough to sucessfully run the ritual on some ancient pagan temple in the wastelands and invoke all sorts of non-euclidyan shit on the Land


    In my mind, it looks really good but at the pace we're playing it, it can take months to develop...

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  2. Quote

    probably doesn't justify a whole new subforum (or does it?)

    A sub-subforum would be fine for me. Just one place where all future (hopfully) threads lay together

    About Chaosium part on this; they've done more than I expected, helping Nocturnal to take this to good end and they have no obligation to take it further. I just hope the sales are good, and they see this as good investment.

    Then, If they don't consider it worth they time and money, and Nocturnal is unable to continue marketing the game, a last resource exists. The license reverting to spanish publisher


    There are quite a few books for Aquelarre, maybe they will themselves start a campaign to have more translations made

    Nosolorol is more than capable to put Aquelarre in english by themeselves. They have done good translations of great RPGs into spanish and can do same thing the other way around. I'm thinking of the good job they did with Pendragon (BTW the current edition of which in US uses the spanish illustrations). Perhaps a future partnership should be attempted, with Chaosium/Nocturnal taking care of marketing out of spanish borders

  3. Even when the Core book is a mastodontic book, there are lots of things that had to be left for later

    Among the other books already published in Spanish, one (Daemonolatreia) expands the lore of Aquelarre, greatly detailing the angelic and demonic ranks, their inner works, hierarchy and how humans relate to them, adding a new skill, Demonology.

    Other book (Ars Malefica) covers the "old ways" that run apart of judeochristian tradition, like preroman beliefs. There you have pagan gods, mythic creatures, witchcraft and sorcery that rival the powers of Hell

    And then, there is Bestiarium Hispaniae, a 280 pages book with 120 new creatures from spanish tradition, more than able to fill any empty space remaining

    Perhaps there's not such a thing as an Old One in Aquelarre, but since we are tralking about a game where an ill-treated dog bite could get you to the grave, all these monsters and ancient powers should suffice to get you entertained :)

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    2 hours ago, digitalsedition said:

    The initial forum post about Aquelarre made mention of it having it's own sub-forum here, which is literally the moment I registered. That has yet to materialize but I hope it does.

    I hope BRP. org admins pick this and set a sub forum for Aquelarre soon. You should be already lobbying for it, though ;D

  5. It's hard to tell, since I have not read most of them. BUT

    You have the author name behind the title. Go for anything by Aquelarre authors Ricard Ibañez or Antonio Polo 

    Una noche en la Abadía is a fine adventure and looks gorgeous in the spanish version (I adapted the oroginal PDF and there's a POD version available through Lulu.com)

    La Niebla is a three part campaign I've heard good things about

    There are two of my authorship there (look for "Luis Gil") The first, El Monte de las Ánimas is a short and lightweight adventure I wrote in the 90s that can be used to introduce players to the game and mechanics. It's better if you read the short story it's based on (a XIX century spanish classic widely available in english)

    I'm very proud of how the second (El Aquelarre del Tiempo) looks. Not that much on how it played on the table at the end, but everybody enjoyed it. I should someday make some changes to it based on the couple playtesting sessions IK ran myself. Like editing out the recommended use of pre-generated PCs. But, hey... have a look at it and make it yours. I'd love to see it turned upside down if it gets translated into english (I keep all source files). On a side note, it's a mash-up of Aquelarre and a Spanish TV series that told about a government time-travel agency, the Ministry of Time, that protects psnish History from being tampered. That may ring a bell, since the (not that original) idea was the "inspiration" of NBC "Timeless". There was a settlement out of court :P MdT is available through Netflix. The adventure is also, as a great looking Lulu´s POD


    More resources:

    This is the blog the authors are trying to keep alive http://rerumdemoni.blogspot.com/ You'll find adventures and background articles there

    Spanish facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/320854464591436 We post random nonsense there and comment any news about the game

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  6. That is a compilation of adventures that fans wrote over the past 25 years. There you'll find a few from me 😉

    Inside the compressed files you can expect to find an assorted selection of file types... Word, PDF, RTF ...

    So...patience is the first tool you'll need :)

    As I said, I had some success putting files through Google translate (the option that allow you to feed it a whole file) https://translate.google.com/?tr=f&hl=en#view=home&op=docs&sl=auto&tl=en

    Max file size is 10 MB


    Then you'll have to tweak the results, because, you know, synonims, spanish idioms or even errata in the original that will mess with the meaning. But, since you're not reading a medicine treatise, and gamers all around the world share a way of thinking, you'd be able to infer the meaning. In case of doubt, ask for help. We are usually available in the MeWe chat, or just PM me.

    I've been thinking of translating some with the help of other users (1) and compile them somewhere... i'll just drop the gauntlet, if someone is interested


    ///This reminds me of the Old days when I started peeking into the RPG world. If your mom tells you RPGs are useless, tell them they're worth years of foreign language classes. I learnt the different meanings of "bolt" shuggling through a Warhammer RPG xerox copies (that I ended ditching for the then-just-released Aquelarre)

    1 ///There is a user on MeWe that ran Aquelarre sessions on GenCon online and will run some in the future. I'll try to lure him into that but it's better if people feels the work is worth the time


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  7. Good evening:

    I've been DM'ng this game since it came out in the 90s (left RPGs behind for long time, and came back some years ago)

    This is, by far, my favorite game. Not because the quality of the system, but because the depth of the setting.

    I don't think Nocturnal will have the resources (material and inmaterial) to go on publishing Aquelarre, nor that Chaosium will put more on their plate, but I have hopes of other ways of this game going on in the US and english world. The spanish publisher (Nosolorol) has recently launched a couple Kickstarters of their own translating their own children RPGs into spanish. They have done a good work tranlating english language RPGs the other way around so... may they resurface Aquelarre in english by themeselves in the future (BTW, the game is being launched at the end of this year, if COVID allows it, in Italian)

    Leaving publishing companies aside, there are TONS of fan-made material out there. Google translator makes a better deal munching into english, but using it to translate that materials SPA->ENG you get a fairly understandable result that must just be polished a little before use.

    i.e. http://www.sinergiaderol.com/aventuras/av-aquelarre.html <--- 107 adventures here


    After G+ closed, I set a MeWe group where I have been posting about the spanish books, corrected character sheets, the issues with the translation and so



    I don't want to undermine BRP forums, but wou will be welcome there


    About rules use, you can ask any doubt that should arise, and I will do my best to help


    About the game itself, one thought; dont take everything in it "by the book". I've been playing my own adventures for years, and most of them involve NO magic, no irrational creatures at all. Just the grit and dirt of living in medieval ages











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