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Posts posted by TheCrawdad

  1. 5 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    I might be persuaded to start another RQG play-by-post game - not quite sure how my time will be to support given real-life work and other commitments, but can see how that goes.  I would be looking for folks willing to commit to at least a 3-6 month timeframe to reasonably finish a "session".  There would be a few other caveats that I can cover by private message if interested.

    I can commit. I’ll toss my hat in for a spot if you ever get around to doing so.

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  2. 2 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    The easiest place to run play by post (aka PbP or PbF) is RPGGeek.  I've been running an HQG game there since 2014, RQG since 2017.

    If you want to get a feel for what is looks like, you can check out my Broken Tower scenario run here:  RQG The Broken Tower

    Pacing is VERY different from face-to-face or other online sessions.  It's more akin to reading a page of a book a day then a full chapter.  Combat particularly can stretch out.  So, you're left with a lot of anticipation and desire to move forward, that sometimes is hard to keep in check (even for the GM!).

    At the same time, it offers a lot of opportunity for narrative embellishment both by the GM and the players, and there's more opportunity to think through options (for instance, the next melee round likely won't take place for another day, or two).  It's important for the GM to particularly think about pacing, moving the story along, and including satisfying obstacles and climax to the story (not really different from any other RPG session, but it's important for the players to invest in and contribute to the story).

    Games vary on posting frequency - I used to be able to manage posting responses nearly every day.  Currently its more like every 2-3 days.  That's probably fairly typical.

    Dice roller is built-in - very easy to use and highly customizable (e.g. you can randomize with names who is getting attacked by the horde of scorpionmen).

    Loading images (e.g. maps) is straightforward, too.  

    Main pitfall tends to be players joining and then deciding it's not for them.  I usually expect some level of upfront attrition when bringing in new players.  

    Even with established players there is periodic attrition - my HQG game has largely turned over twice, but still have enough continuity to keep in moving along.

    Perhaps you can be inspired to run a RCQ game? I would certainly be committed to seeing it through barring death.

  3. I have the new RCQ rules but I’m not quite well versed on the rules and especially the lore, though I keep reading.  With the lockdown there’s no face gaming and with my crazy work schedule there’s no online time. So that leaves me with PbP and I’m well aware of the inherent pitfalls. Still, ever the optimist, is there interest in a PbP game? I would be willing to play for the long term.

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