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Posts posted by Knoxicles

  1. The lovely folks at Arkham Audio spoke to some of the Stars Are Right crew about our actual play podcast of the Children of Fear campaign (check it out if you haven't already - I think it's rather good, though I may be a bit biased).

    As if that's not exciting enough, the incredible Lynne Hardy (lead writer of the campaign) joined the fun and shared some insights about writing the adventure too! 

    You can find the interview on YouTube here: 



  2. We're now at well over 2,000 downloads and our Discord cult swells. If you're considering running or reading Children of Fear, or you just like fun, you should consider giving us a listen - Super Wolf demands it!!!

    We also have a shiny new version of our website in development, with more information about our services helping people edit, illustrate, play test and polish their own Call of Cthulhu scenarios. Come check it out and say hello - https://www.starsareright.com/

  3. So, incredibly, we're fast approaching 400 downloads for our wee podcast. If you'd like to see what the fuss is all about, Session 5 has just dropped and can be found in the virtual vaults of all good purveyors of podcasts (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts et al) - tune in to hear us 


    wrestling with some creepy living terracotta dolls. 

    If you do enjoy what you hear, please do let us know, or come and talk to us on the social medias. Links for all that can be found on https://www.starsareright.com/

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  4. Hello lovely people. 

    I am thoroughly rubbish at this self-promotion malarkey, but wanted to share the Call of Cthulhu actual play podcast that I've been recording with an all round excellent group of players and keepers. I'm biased, but I think it might be a little better than the typical example of the genre. 

    We're currently working through the new(ish) campaign from Chaosium, Children of Fear, and the plan is to intersperse episodes with some brilliant homebrew scenarios written by members of the crew. If that sounds like it might be up your street, why not check us out on https://www.starsareright.com/

    The podcast is available in all the normal places (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts etc. etc.) and I'm told by the much younger and hipper cast members that we have all of the social media stuff. Please do give us a whirl and let me know how you find it. 

    Much appreciated! 

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