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Papa Thulhu

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Posts posted by Papa Thulhu

  1. I have a bit of a question, to better understand some spells in CoC. I've been looking over the magic sections to get a better understanding of the Magic system. When things cost POW, is that considered a permanent reduction of POW, no way to retrieve back? Understandable that spells in this world are not to be something to willy-nilly like in DnD, there are serious costs. But say something like the Elder Sign, I recall costs 25 points, pretty steep. So would that POW lost be permanent, and if so, what would be a good way to explain in a way why it costs that? I can understand how to explain these things costing sanity, but unsure how to justify a loss of POW, at a deep end for some spells (they don't seem to balance in some instance, but I'm still trying to understand all the magic system).

  2. Hello, i'm a newer Keeper for CoC, started some months ago. Have been thinking about writing my own module at some point, as I've mostly been running modules to get the feel of running games. I been wanting to try someone in the area of Japan, with a bit of a doomsday prevention scenario. What are some known mythos events going on in that area of the world? Or ones that could work? Sort of playing with a suggested idea of disruptions of shrines, sort of like in the novel series Teito Monogatari, some may be more familiar with Toky: The Last Megalopolis. Any suggestions? The Secrets of Japan book I do not have, though wish I got it before it disappeared.

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