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Posts posted by kdlugger

  1. So my group and I played our first CoC session and had a blast. I have the CoC rulebook, 6th edition. And am looking at buying a few books. thinking on getting the Investigators Companion, The Keepers Companion Vol 1. Looking at maybe getting one more book (set in the 20"s). Any suggestions? Should I maybe not bother w/ the Keepers Companion, or go w/ vol 2? Any advice would be appreciated.

    With all things in life, cheapest is the best.

  2. I am brand new to the world of tabletop RPGing and the the CoC game. I just got my hands on the 6th edition a few weeks ago and have grown somewhat frustrated because there seems to be a lot of info on certain topics but not enough on others. And the art is somewhat distracting (but I do not find the switch from back to white backgrounds bad - I think it is actually helpful). Overall, I get the feeling I have a little meat and a lot of potatoes with the 6th edition. I would be very eager to read the 5th or a different one someday.

  3. Thank you all. They only have like 2 hours for the first trial run through so am doing a quick home-brew scenario, mixing in a few different scenario ideas. Will try the Haunted House and the Gas light next. I do have one question though, probably a stupid one, but I was wondering. The Weapon table for the knife reads that the damage is 1D4+db. What is the db. I felt like i knew this a week ago but am now suddenly having a brain fart.

  4. So I am not only completely new to the CoC RPG, but to tabletop role-playing all together. I am an avid board gamer, and run a small group (4-5 of us total). My brother, who plays with us told me he would like to get into RPG because he remembered having fun playing D&D one time like two decades ago when he was in middle school. None of us are really into dragons and trolls and whatnot, but he later sent me a link showing me they had much more of a variety then D&D to choose from.

    Enter Coc. I am a huge fan of Lovecraft and have recently gotten the rest of my gaming group into the books. I was working on a small fan-fiction based in the world and my brother said we should just do it as an RPG. So, to surprise him, I bought the CoC 6th edition (arrives next week) and read the quick start rules posted on Chaosium. At some juncture I remember reading a scenario that was described as a great starter scenario and that it had been used ever since the CoC RPG first was started in the 80's but I cannot find it again anywhere. It was free downloadable scenario. It had you looking around a town and eventually going into a house and the bad guy was a vampire like being in the basement. That is almost all I remember from it and I cannot find it anywhere, I have scoured every site i can think of to no avail. I was hoping someone could direct me to it, or at the very least, to a good free DL scenario set in the 20's. I would be the Keeper and am hoping to get something simple and fun going soon and have read through most of the free ones available on Chaosium and was not overly impressed.

    Any help would be appreciated. Also, any advice for a first time Keeper running a game with first time Investigators would also be appreciated.

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