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Posts posted by Odin

  1. Um, is the merc's player the same guy who blew up the space station last time? I sense a pattern here ...

    I had one player who always had to start a bar fight, no matter what the game or genre, no matter what the odds, and whether a bar was handy or not.

    Oh no, that's the crazy thing. 3 separate groups. 3! In group #1 and group #2, anyone that played a merc felt the need to show the universe they were a merc and to prove they were king of the hill (which always ended badly for them). Group #3 has a merc in it and he generally plays real calm. Funny thing, he's a former U.S. Army Ranger, so he understands when to use force and when not to, but when he does use force, he is rather...unapologetic about it.

  2. SciFi attempt #3. Group goes to recover an alien scientist (looks like a giant three fingered bird, called Rraery). One player is a scientist-turned-pacifist missionary. There is lots of gun fighting and the whole time the scientist/missionary is complaining everyone is too violent. The group finally corners the Rraery alien scientist and his Rraery bodyguard. A merc unloads on the wounded bodyguard after it surrenders and shoots the Rraery scientist once in the leg. The human scientist says, "Dude are you f*^$ing crazy? There's no need for that, that's not fair, they surrendered! You unloaded a full mag into that guy and shot that guy once in the leg." The merc shrugs, unloads a magazine in the wounded Rraery scientist, turning him into a chunky alien salsa and says, "You happy now? I treated each fairly." Everyone stares in silence. The leader of the group chimes in, "Um, you realize you just killed our objective, right?"

  3. Second SciFi attempt: Group was in a hallway and came to a locked door. Their portable scanner detected that the cargo they were after was behind the locked door. So the group stands around it trying to decide how to unlock the door. One guy says, "Screw it, I'll blow it open with my rpg." Everyone nods and stands behind the rpg toting merc who was 10' away from the door. I explained he was too close. He ignores me. I explain to everyone they are too close to both the door and too close to the back blast of the rpg. One guy says, "Yeah, that sounds like one of those GM tricks to get us all killed. Quick, fire the rpg!" The gunner fires the rpg which creates a massive explosion. I make everyone role to see if by luck they managed to escape the blast(s). The rpg toting character died (as did everyone else) but wanted to know if the door was destroyed.

  4. 1st Scifi campaign (group players did NOT get along with each other. Really, it was like herding cats). Group is on a large deserted alien space station near the stations power plant. Two players get into an argument and then a firefight with each other. Rest of the group is trying to calm things down (and/or seeking cover). Player #1 says, losing the firefight, "Are those fuel cell tanks Rafael is taking cover behind?" I say "Yes, you are all in the fuel supply room, right next the the power plant. He is hiding behind very explosive fuel cell tanks from what you can tell." Player #2 (Rafael) laughs, "I'm a freaking merc. You can't beat my ballistics skill and I'm wearing body armor. You're a dead man walkin!" Player #1 grins evily, "I shoot the fuel cell tanks with my blaster!!!" =O

  5. If I may, I had similar trouble finding something suitable, so I just stole from everyone and made my own lil universe. I use orks and I use them to great effect. When the group finds there's orks in the area, they tend to freak cause there's always more orks than ammunition. And one player played the enigmatic space elf and quit once he realized that he drew all kinds of attention to the group (he's an alien), generally received unwanted bad attention himself (he's an alien) and when crap hit the fan, human medical tech was at a disadvantage to help him (he's an alien). Although I can say there are NO space dwarves in my universe. ;)

  6. Had to change my name from Loki to Odin (forgot my password and changed emails). Anywho.....played my first couple of games with a few groups. Had to change groups b/c the first group of guys simply couldn't get along. The second group was...how shall I put this....I was taking them to a museum of Impressionist paintings while they were still using finger paints. The third group, after they got themselves killed a number of times, finally realized that gun play really isn't "play" and calling bounty hunters "gun bunnies" on mining colonies gets the group killed quickly, or at least the guy that said it. I just wanted to say that everyone loves BRP (with some minor house rules to keep things fun). Everyone is toting good old slug throwers and only brings out the blasters when they go on an alien world or are in trouble with the authorities (which happens far more than I expected). I do have one Y'zarrian who totes a Warhammer 40K Eldar shuriken rifle with chilling effect. The rules make for a "cracking" game and the simplicity makes the game very fluid and enjoyable.

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