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Posts posted by wehnerm

  1. On 12/27/2021 at 10:32 PM, lawrence.whitaker said:

    As Destined (our new superhero RPG) nears readiness, we thought we'd give you a peek under its hood.

    Thank you very much for sharing this preview with us. It looks like it's going to be an awesome game!

    Some initial reactions:

    1) I bet this would work well for 1-on-1 gaming (1 GM, 1 player; duet games). You can really focus on the superhero and let him/her shine.

    2) As with other TDM products, I like the examples throughout the text. They illustrate the concepts being discussed in an easy-to-understand, concrete fashion.

    3) I really like the concept of an overall power level for the campaign. It helps coordinate the expectations of the players and sets the tone for the game. I also really like that it has a mechanical impact in the rules system.

    4) Assigning characteristic values is a great idea for a game where the player may already start out with a concept that he/she wants to implement in the rules system. I also like that you've provided example arrays of point values.

    5) The powers system looks very, very nice! I love the flexibility that you've built into it: effects can vary on the fly, keeping them fresh and interesting, but also keeping them limited. And those limits are neat not necessarily because they help prevent "abuse," but because I could see them lead to interesting situations and decisions ("Do I expend all of my strength now to deal with this situation? Or do I need to keep something in reserve for any issues later on? If I keep something in reserve, how much is enough? And how do I make the best use of my limited resources now?"). Very cool!

    6) I'd love to hear more about how the allotments system will work. The little bit that's included in the preview sounds really interesting. Having to count every penny definitely doesn't feel "supers" to me, so having a system that abstracts that away sounds great.

    7) How close will this be to the core Mythras ruleset? Will it be similar to Lyonesse (which feels very close to me)? If it will be very close, is there a way to indicate which parts are new or different versus those that are basically duplicated from the core rules? That way, someone who has and plays the core rules would be able to quickly and easily pick out what makes these rules different.

    8) I love the notes about how Destined could be combined with other TDM properties. I'm currently doing a solitaire play-through of the Mattanit adventure for Luther Arkwright. I could totally imagine a parallel where homo novus has developed truly astonishing super powers. Having a whole system to back that up would be awesome.

    Happy New Year! I wish you a *super* successful year! Best wishes for Destined!

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