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  • RPG Biography
    Cartoon action hour game system (Homebrew monster hunter campaign)
    Chaosium d100 (Call of Cthulhu, Runquest Deus Vult)
    Cinamatic Unisystem (Buffy the Vampire slayer & Angel)
    Conan (D20 Mongoose publishing to 2D20 modiphius)
    Crafty Games Fantasy craft
    Crafty Games Spycraft (1st & 2nd edition)
    D20 modern (Wizards of the Coast)
    DnD (from 2nd to 5e edition, Pathfinder)
    Dungeon World Rpg system
    Gunshoe (Trail of Cthulhu, Homebrew Star Trek version)
    Savage world (Pirates of the Spanish main, Homebrew Star Trek version)
    Shadowrun (2nd to 6e edition)
    Star Trek (Last Unicorn Games d6 system, Decipher Coda system / 2D20 Modiphius, several homebrew versions)
    Star Wars (D20 and Saga edition Wizards of the coast to Fantasy Flight Games edition)
    Stargate (d20 Alderac Entertainment Spycraft edition, D20 5e Wyvern Gaming)
    Ulisses Spiele TORG Eternity
  • Current games
    DnD 5E (Wizards of the Coast, Gamemaster)
    Stargate D20 5e (Wyvern Gaming, Gamemaster)
    Star Trek 2D20 (Modiphius, Gamemaster)
    Chaosium d100 (Call of Cthulhu, Player start 7 februari 2022)
  • Location
  • Blurb
    Hobbies: RPG, Blender, Gimp
    Profession: Medical imaging technician
    Sports: Martial Arts practitioner (Jiujutsu, Filipino Martial Arts)

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  1. Thanks for responding so fast. I will take a look at the suggestions you made. Grts Joeri
  2. I am searching for a new generic system for my monster hunting homebrew campaign. I’m considering buying Basic Roleplaying and the Magic book but I need some information. I hope that there are members who can help. Here are the questions that I have: Are there environmental rules included (Poison, disease, falling, falling objects, gravity, extreme cold & heat, hunger & thirst, high & low pressure, vacuum, explosions, fire, traps,…)? Nonhuman characters: Is there a creation system included for creating nonhumans? Supernatural & Psionic skills: Are there guidelines to create supernatural skills (Telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinensis, cryokinesis, empathy, medium, fortune telling, game of Thrones Warg ability, psychometry, Chi abilities,….)
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