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Posts posted by Yuri

  1. BASIC- Dinosauri. An Italian original. Dinosaurs! This is basically Jurassic Park / Lost World with a few clever twists. You can plug in your Egyptians and cow-boys as lost communities in the lost world mini-setting. Add super-sapient aliens and dinosaur-men and you have a really over-the-top setting for pulp-style action. In case you need them you have stats for Godzilla and King Kong. It has 3 scenarios linked in a mini-campaign.

    Hi! I'm Yuri Abietti, author of Basic Dinosauri! I was just jumping around on the web when I stumbled upon your mini-review and I must say it brought back a lot of memories! It was the 1997 and I was just 26 years old. I finished writing the sourcebook while I was in vacation in Rome (I live in Milan, northern italy) and I just bought my first Motorola cell phone. Different times, indeed.

    I just want to say "hi". I'm happy that somebody still remembers and wants to play those old RPGs and I'm flattered by your positive comment! Thank you very much and keep playing!


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