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  • RPG Biography
    Call of cthulhu 6, 7ed

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. I was wondering, if the character goes insane again within 1D10 hours, will he gain 1 points?
  2. Thank you for your descripation! It is very clear! I mistakenly thought it was referring to how many times a skill can be upgraded.
  3. I am new begin to read BRP. But i have a question about power. In Chapater Power, 「One power type at the Superhuman power level」「Four power types at the Normal power level」 So What's the meaning of power level?
  4. May i know which version of BRP had begin included san?
  5. In the latest version of BRP and CoC, the San attribute can be seen. The relationship between CoC and BRP is very close. So I am curious to know whether the concept of San appeared first in BRP or COC?
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