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Posts posted by Zouabar

  1. First of all I really thank you all for your input, I didn't expect to have so many replies in this fairly short amount of time and you all raised good points ! I'm going to try to adress some of it without getting lost in the sauce :

    On 3/30/2023 at 2:49 PM, Joe Kenobi said:

    My suggestion would be to discuss with the other players and see how they feel about having a blind party member. See whether they think it would be a fun party dynamic to manage or an investigative constraint on the rest of them. Their level of appetite for it might be as important as anything else.

    I'll admit I was so focused on *how* to make blindness work within the mechanics and framework of the game I kind of neglected to ask *other* players how they'd feel about it, I'll bring it up with them for our sessioon zero.

    On 3/29/2023 at 8:57 PM, g33k said:

    Honestly, I don't see any way to compensate for the issue of "Combat," unless you're going with a very-magical setting and letting your "medium" character summon spirits to attack foes (Chaosium's RuneQuest RPG (which uses the same BRP chassis that Call of Cthulhu does) has spirit-combat rules, if you wanted to go this way; you should be able to directly-port those rules over, with only very-minimal hacking).

    I was completely unaware of such a mechanic, I'll check it out and discuss it with my players, see how they all feel about it (I don't want the blind PC relying too much on other PC, especially for combat, for fear it would impact the group dynamic negatively).



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  2. Hi !
    I'm coming to you because one of my players wants to make a PC who is technically blind. I really don't want to deny my player's creativity and the character being blind ties into their story so I'd like to find a way to make that work but I'm afraid it might just be too much of an impediment in regards to essential parts of playing Call of Cthulhu.

    I suppose they can just rely on other characters for Library Use and a good deal of situations where Spot Hidden comes into play might be able to be solved with other skills (ie. Listen for spotting an opponent approaching, Occultism to "sense" magical items and creatures as this character would be a medium of sorts). A guide dog might be useful for combat situations and the likes, might even help with investigations if said dog is able to sniff out and follow tracks. And I guess smell, touch and hearing can convey horror well enough to justify a couple sanity rolls from time to time.

    I can't help but wonder if I'm forgetting some crucial mechanic that will come back to bite me as a Guardian though… Does anyone have any insight or advice that could apply to this situation ? I'd be really grateful ! Thanks in advance 🙂


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