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Posts posted by Growtiltall80

  1. I’m very confused about the rules for wounds as consequences. In the rulebook, it says all players suffer wounds from consequences unless they collectively spend enough raises to avoid them. This doesn’t make sense to me. If there is a 2 wound consequence to get across a burning room and one player only spends one raise to avoid one wound, but the other player doesn’t spend any raises to avoid the remaining wound, why would both players each receive one wound? It makes more sense that the second player would take 2 wounds and the first player would only take 1 wound.

    the only way this would make sense is if the first player approaches the situation by doing something to extinguish the flames. But, it makes no sense if all they’re doing is dodging the flames. Why wouldn’t the second player have to dodge the flames too to get across the burning room?

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