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Posts posted by Balin

  1. In our playthrough, Asterius was a stand out hit for his "stranger in a strange land" motif, but Cwenhild and surprisingly to me, Sir Clarion were also fun. 

    I ran a full feast from Book of the Feasts for them following the events of the Sword Tournament, wherein Asterius' player (21F) decided they were smitten with Cwenhild. Cwenhild's player (24F) then proceeded to get drunk until they got to the point that they threw the "small Greek man" over their shoulder and walked off with him. It was one of the highlights of our evening.  

  2. Longtime ttrpg player/GM, and I'm looking to get into Pendragon 6th edition when it releases later this year. I played Pendragon for one session back in what I think was 3rd edition? (1997) and fell in love with it, but never had the time to really dive into it.

    Hearing that a 6th edition was about to drop, I decided now was the time. But I have a few question, that I'm hoping this is the right place to ask.

    First, I see a lot of extra material, like Book of the Manor, Great Pendragon Campaign, Book of Uther, etc. Once 6th edition drops, will those books still be usable, or should I expect/wait for new, updated versions of those sources to drop? Can I buy them now or will I just be buying them again over the next few years? I'd love to start picking some of these up, but not if they're going to be obsolete soon.

    Second, from perusing other threads in this forum, I get the impression that Chaosium doesn't do Pre-orders, is this correct? Should I just be asking my FLGS to reserve me a copy whenever the starter set drops?

    Third, and this is a mechanics question, I DL'ed the Tournament of the Sword pdf preview to run for my gaming group to get them (and myself) familiar with the system. I came across the concept of the +/- bonuses, but my question is, are these added to the Skils/Traits totals, or to the rolls themselves? For example, with the +5 from being mounted vs. an opponent on foot, would that be added to the Combat skill before the roll, or to the roll itself? I'm assuming it's added to the skill, because it could almost be a punishment if added to the roll.

    I'm sure many of these answers are obvious for the veterans here, so I thanks in advance for your patience.

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