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Kevin Hasinger

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Posts posted by Kevin Hasinger

  1. 21 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    The Great Duck Hunt is over.   The people who oversaw it have been eaten in the Dragon rise. Ducks are no longer persecuted in Dragon Pass (although being laughed at is something else). 

    So, in 1625 many Ducks come and go throughout Dragon Pass with only “some” discrimination? Just clarifying. 

  2. I followed Runequest in its original form several decades ago, but have just gotten into RQG. My wife rarely showed interest in my D&D games over the years, but has been drawn to Glorantha for some reason (we all know why - it's fascinating and original). She desperately wants to play a Duck character, but based on what I've read that could be a real challenge in Dragon Pass. Would a Duck character even be allowed into most townships, etc. around Sartar, etc.? I imagine that speciesism would be a significant issue. However, I've noted that Ducks (occasionally) are accepted into tribes/clans, but that's a rarity. Any thoughts? I want to stay true to the setting but "happy wife = happy life". 

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  3. On 6/28/2023 at 7:12 PM, Shadowboi said:

    Hey there, unfortunately I'm in the LA area so I can't quite meet you in person for a game, but I'd be more than happy to play online if you like. I am very new though and am still working through some parts of the rules, if that ends up being a deal breaker, I wish you luck in finding some others to play with.

    I’m not new to Runequest, but haven’t played RQG. I’ve been playing/DMing other RPGs and away from Runequest for 25 years. My personal email address is kevinhasinger@gmail.com - feel free to reach out, happy to run a solo adventure for you! 

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  4. If this isn’t the appropriate forum for this post, please forgive me, and direct me to the appropriate location. I am looking to join a face-to-face RQG in the Columbia, SC area. I would also be open to something online, familiar with Roll20. Just ready to play… I’m flexible.

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