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Posts posted by pxgamist

  1. By request, here's a Babeester Gor myth:

    The Avenging of Spring 

    Voria, the goddess of spring, was born in the Underworld before the Dawn, and she was one of the first deities to return to the middle world, carried on the first breath of light. Her mother, Ernalda, still slept beneath the earth, and also still gone were Orlanth, the Lightbringers, Yelm and most of the other deities slain in the Gods War. She found herself an innocent in a world at war with Chaos, but in the handful of human settlements that had survived the Great Darkness she was hailed as a sign of hope.

    In the north, Valind, the God of Winter, saw Voria's arrival and recognized her as the first sign of Yelm's return. He feared the coming of spring, and so he sent the cold god Himile and a band of ice demons to kill the child goddess. They set upon Voria and slew her as she stirred from her slumber, enslaving her spirit and carrying it back to Valind's Winter Palace in the frozen north.

    Now, in the Grey Age Babeester Gor alone of the Earth Goddesses still lived, and Voria was her only kin. When she found her sister slain the Avenging Daughter was filled with rage, and took up her axe, weeping tears of blood to stain red the mossy bier Voria's lifeless body lay upon.

    She first tracked the ice demons who killed Voria far to the north, to Valind's glacier, where she she engaged in some titanic battle: slaying ice demon after ice demon, the heat of her rage left her wreathed in steam until she faced Himile himself, striking him down in fury in front of the closed gates of the Winter Palace. 

    Then she set upon Valind's's fortress, beginning to break down its walls. In her righteous fury she was terrifying, smeared with blood with the hands and genitals of the ice demons hanging from her neck, and each swing of her axe hewed deeper into the ice. As walls began to crack, Valind threw Spring's captive spirit from the walls into the snow outside the fortress.

    Now Babeester Gor hesitated: even as she raised her axe, she knew that in the cold darkness her sister might be lost forever to the night. She fought with her own rage, but the sight of her sister and the promise that spring might return made her lower her axe and pick up her sister, bearing her from that place of ice to the underworld so Voria could reincarnate and be reborn once again as Spring.

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