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Posts posted by DigitalPagan

  1. On 5/2/2023 at 3:36 PM, Bytewright said:

    Additionally nowadays most rounds are played online through the various vtt systems. I'm mostly on FoundryVtt, which already has a mythras module. Are there any plans to create M-space specific modules? Would anyone be interested in that?

    I can't speak to FVTT but the Mythras discord server has a channel for those who use and maintain the Mythras module.  They might have some ideas.

    I maintain the Roll20 Mythras sheet on Roll20 and it has supported M-Space for a while now.  Just start up a new game, select Mythras as the character sheet, then go to the game settings and under "Default Sheet Settings" change the Setting option to M-Space.  In addition to the character sheet it supports the vehicle/star ship sheets and the star system sheet.  The Mythras discord server also has a channel for Roll20 similar to the FVTT one.

    There is a specific M-Space sheet on Roll20 which I also wrote but it hasn't been updated in a while.  I eventually decided to support multiple settings in a single sheet so I didn't have to maintain multiple sheets with a lot of similar components.  The current Mythras sheet is an evolved version of that one.

    Note I'm getting very close to releasing v3 of the Mythras Roll20 sheet which is a complete re-write from the ground up and will have a lot of improvements.  If you start a game with the current version it should migrate all your data just fine but just get ready for a sudden change.

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  2. The Runequest sheet took me about 3 weeks and the COC 7th Ed sheet before that took about 2 weeks.  I stayed up late a few nights but I wasn't working on them every day either.


    That said, I haven't really started to learn html/css until about 3 months ago when a change in job role required me to pick it up; however, I did have a background in Computer Science and experience with various programming languages.  Most of the work on character sheets is not overly complicated but there are tons of elements, so there is a lot of copy and paste, tweaking auto-calc equations, etc.  There is also a lot of positioning work as you try to fit all those elements into the page.  Its actually a really good way to learn CSS/HTML, especially the layout concepts.


    As for help, the existing sheets were a good starting point(https://github.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets) and Roll20 has a forum dedicated to sheets(https://app.roll20.net/forum/category/277980).  It's probably worth checking the forums to see if anyone is already working on sheets for the systems you want and/or is willing to help make one.


    Also I had the hardest time getting started because I didn't read the finer points in, https://wiki.roll20.net/Character_Sheets.  Special attention to the parts about transparently prefixing elements with 'sheet-' if your CSS is not working.


    Hope that helps.

  3. Update:


    I have submitted my Runequest 6 sheet to Roll20.  It is currently in pull request state:



    If you don't want to wait for it to make rounds through the development cycle and/or possible rejection simply copy the html and css code from that pull request and add it to your own campaign as a custom sheet (available for mentor accounts).


    There isn't a whole lot of auto calculation going on as the math functions in Roll20 don't match up well with some of the derived values in the system.  As thing improve I'll update the sheet.

  4. I just finished up a CoC 7th Ed sheet for roll20 and its in pull request status now. My next project is a RQ6 sheet for roll20 and I have gotten a very basic start at this point. After learning the ropes with my first sheet I suspect and can churn out a RQ6 in a week or two but we have a baby on the way so I wouldn't be surprised if real-life slows me down a bit. I'll try to keep the thread up to date with any progress.

  5. I was looking over the radiation spot rules in the BGB and think I need some help understanding them.

    You make a resistance roll, CON versus the radiation's POT. Do you make that roll as soon as the character is exposed or do you have to be exposed for the period of time listed in the chart before making the first resistance roll? Even for low intensity 30 days seems like a long time to be exposed to radiation.

  6. And I just realized that with a few extra parenthesis you can include math formula in the target value. So instead of having to enter 75 for a skill of 60 with a +15 bonus you can simply enter 60+15 or 75, your choice:

    Basic rolls:

    /roll 1d100
    Can't think of a case where you would need this for resistance rolls but just incase:
    /roll 1d100
    Fumble>=[[ceil(100-((100-(50+(((?{Active Factor})-(?{Passive Factor}))*5)))/20))]]
    Success<=[[ceil(50+(((?{Active Factor})-(?{Passive Factor}))*5))]] 
    Special<=[[ceil((50+(((?{Active Factor})-(?{Passive Factor}))*5))/5)]]
    Critical<=[[ceil((50+(((?{Active Factor})-(?{Passive Factor}))*5))/20)]]

    NOTE: If anyone can find a way to make something like "#macro 75" or "#macro 75-15" work let me know. Right now it just prompts for the target and ignores the parameter supplied in the chat command. If that worked then it would be dead simple to add nested macros with something like "#macro %{selected|jump}" or "#macro %{selected|jump}+"

  7. For normal rolls my macro is:

    /roll 1d100

    Fumble>=[[ceil(100-((100-?{Target})/20))]] Success<=[[ceil(?{Target})]] Special<=[[ceil(?{Target}/5)]] Critical<=[[ceil(?{Target}/20)]]

    When you run the macro it asks for Target which would be your Skill/Characteristic Roll/Whatever with bonuses and penalties already applied. So if your skill is 65 and you have a +10% then target is 75. It will perform a simple d100 roll and then just below it will output the calculated thresholds for levels of success. This way its a simple glance to see what you managed to accomplish. Its not quite reporting the success level for me but it's as close as I could get. Hopefully those smarter than I can take it the next step with APIs.

    For resistance rolls:

    /roll 1d100

    Fumble>=[[ceil(100-((100-(50+((?{Active Factor}-?{Passive Factor})*5)))/20))]] Success<=[[ceil(50+((?{Active Factor}-?{Passive Factor})*5))]] Special<=[[ceil((50+((?{Active Factor}-?{Passive Factor})*5))/5)]] Crit<=[[ceil((50+((?{Active Factor}-?{Passive Factor})*5))/20)]]

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