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Posts posted by DocSk

  1. I am new to RQG but am enjoying the game so far. However, I am a little stumped as to how underpowered many characters are. Many of my players’ characters are rolling against skills in the 40 to 65 range. Roughly, this means that they fail half the time. Failing some is fun. Failing half the time gets tedious.

    So I figured that was what augments were for. Characters could summon the power of a rune to help them in combat. However, as I understand it, they would only be able to use that rune during one combat per session. So it doesn’t seem to be runes, passions, and skills that make the characters more legendary. 

    What am I doing wrong? Are we making characters wrong (the pregens seem tougher)? Are we using augments incorrectly? 

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