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Posts posted by Machete_Matt

  1. Thank you very much Morien for the advice, I greatly appreciate it, even if it took me some time to get back to the forum! 


    White Horse is from 3e/4e, so unfortunately I think I do not have access to it. But I found Horned Boar in Spectre King and Deceitful Faerie in Magic & Miracles, plus Dragons of Britain issues #1-4 were free on DriveThruRPG, so I am well set now! And I had Red Blade all along, of course, just had not read it because it starts out by warning it is best for the Romance or Tournament periods. Also had not read ahead to the Whispering Path in GPC before, but now I know it as well. It is a bit short for my needs, though.


    It is great to get tips from someone with encyclopedic knowledge of all things Pendragon, I have read many of your other posts as well -- including two from 2019 that I did not see at first, but where you answered similar questions to mine here. 


    Thanks again!


  2. Running a game using GPC starting the the Uther Period. Two years in, we are now in 487 AD. 

    I am looking for a longer adventure that would fit the ambiance of the Uther Period. Something meaty with a plot, instead of just the brief activities of the early years of the GPC. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I have a bunch of the published books, and everything I have looked at seems to be predicated on King Arthur, or Romance, or tournaments, or the search for the Holy Grail. Those are not relevant yet in this era.

    Does not have to be linked to Uther at all. Also, does not have to even be for Pendragon originally, I am happy to convert and I do not worry about NPC/monster stats too much.


    Thank you for any ideas you may have!

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