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Posts posted by jimc

  1. So, I ran MW for the first time last weekend. I used some pre-generated characters that were all human, but I made them into different races. The people I play with are very used to D&D 3.5 and how that world works and I find that not having to explain a new world like The Southern Reaches or the Conan world lets me get into the action sooner. So, I am going to be running my one shots in the familiar Forgotten Realms. I am mainly only running one shot (5 - 7 hour) games once a month. 


    I am streamlining the skills into just 5--Physical, Communication, Knowledge, Manipulation and Perception. I'd like the character sheet to fit on an index card. If I was running a campaign I would not do this but I find that for one shots, breaking them down into skills they would never use anyways is unnecessary. They are not leveling skills since each month is anew.


    I am going to be using all of the 3.5 races. Dwarves will get bonuses to Physical, Gnomes - Knowledge, Halfling - Manipulation, Human - Communication, Elf - Perception. Half-Elves will get smaller bonuses to Perception and Communication, likewise with Half-Orcs, Physical and Communication. I will also have the classes from 3.5 but it is more for role-play purposes and will not really have much of a mechanics bonus other than weapon bonuses. I am not fond of classes. Basically, if I tell them they are playing a Half-Orc barbarian,  Halfling rogue or a stealthy Elf, they will know how to role-play it never mind what is on their character sheet. All players will have access to magic but if it says Sorcerer, Cleric,  Wizard etc..., on the sheet, they will have another index card with spells on it. Rangers will have good bow skills, Barbarians, two handed weapons etc...


    The thing that is going to take the longest is converting spells. I am a D&D fan-boy and have gotten attached to the names of the spells. So, I am going to convert the 3.5 PH spells into magic points and or rename the ones from MW into D&D spell names.


    I just got the Advanced Sorcery book so I will be adding those spells into the mix.


    So, the session went well. everyone liked the combat system and we spent most of our time role-playing and I didn't really have to look up any rules at all except for what skill should be used and I am eliminating that. It sure felt like D&D. Besides the magic users, who have various spells to choose from, I can almost eliminate the character sheets so peoples eyes are on each other, not buried into the options on the sheet. 

  2. This isn't very specific to MW, but I would rather hang around these forums then start asking elsewhere. So, secret doors. I'm going to be running a Swords and Wizardry module "Tomb of the Iron God" that is full of these things. The problem is, there are no descriptions about what the doors look like, how to activate them etc.

    Does anyone know of a resource that has several examples of the kinds of secret doors that would be in a dungeon/catacombs environment. I want to make it interesting but saying over and over again, "you notice that there is an area of the wall that is worn", or whatever etc...

    On a side note, I am committed to running a monthly MW game at my local monthly meetup. My first game will be in July. So, at least 7 more people will be exposed to this game. I want to thank tooley1chris for the NPC generator and Monster Manual, and rleduc for the pre-generated characters. I'll be handing the latter out to my players for my first session, and the Monster Manual made this so much easier, since I was able to find all of the monsters from the module in the conversion and NPC generator.

  3. My intention was to never detail the areas outside the Reaches at all; to leave them vague and open to Chronicler caveat. Indeed, there've been a number of times when the writers working on the setting asked about creating some NPC, or other thing from 'outside', and making up details of its origins, and I had to rein that back in. I want the areas outside the Reaches to be whatever individual play groups want them to be.

    I'm going to use Mythic Iceland RPG as the Culture for the "Northern Reaches" of my campaign. Of course it will be bigger than an Iceland so I will just have to make up a map.

  4. If I was running this as a home game campaign, I would put the work into it--and I may do that if there is interest. However, I will just be running one-shot-6-hour sessions, once a month, so simplicity is best. I host a meetup event where we do one shots aimed at beginner RPG'ers. It's run like a convention game.

  5. Call me fickle, but I think, after looking at the Conan RPG, that it will be easier to stick with the Southern Reaches as the campaign setting. It is a world made for this game and I presume, there will be more information when the companion comes out. Hyborea is awesome, but to keep the correct flavor, I feel like I would need to incorporate the races and classes to make sense in that world. Perhaps, in the future, someone will create a BRP Conan game. That would be great.

  6. I have decided to use Robert E. Howard's Hyborian Age as my setting. I can just use the information on the Conan wiki (http://conan.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page). This way I have maps and a way to role-play the various cultures. I'm a using our earth as a setting so this comes close to have a believable fantasy feel. Now, I just need to find some cool old school adventures and change the names of places.

    I figure I would just describe the monsters as they are in the D&D/D20 adventure, but find stats that are similar in BRP resources rather than replace them with BRP monsters. This will be easy for matches that are one to one like ghouls, orcs, dragons, but I will need to be more creative for other unique creatures like beholders etc...

    I am incline to start off with "The Tomb of the Iron God". I am a fan of the Swords and Wizardry writers style.

  7. Hey all. I just finished reading the Magic World rules and was wondering if there were any free or purchasable adventures/modules out there. I am mainly interested in running one shot scenarios at my monthly gaming group. Since most of these players are playing Pathfinder or D&D, I don't want to disappoint when presenting a new rule set. My DM style is old school where the players don't need to know the rules and I hand wave a lot of things that slow down the role-playing/immersion.

    I am switching to BRP because in my experience, people get tired of always playing level 6 characters since most of the material is not accessible until higher levels. I think BRP will fix this.

    So, I found this In Search of the Trollslayer: A Heroic-Level Adventure for Basic Roleplaying http://www.amazon.com/dp/1568823045/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=3F7EE2HHQCC1P&coliid=I1LE9NMKN9SVEO which is not necessarily for Magic World. Has anyone run this or any other ideas?



  8. Hi Jim! If you like CoC you'll love BRP for fantasy. I'd think of it as grafting fantasy elements onto CoC basics. The magic system is, of course, critical. I've heard good things about "Magic World" so you should be fine.

    I like your newfound philosophy of gaming, I feel much the same.

    If you poke around the net you can find OSR-type adventures translated to BRP. Good luck and keep us posted!

    I will keep you all posted for sure. I will be trying to work into the system some type of advantage/disadvantage system like Fantasy Flight Games does with Star Wars Edge of the Empire. I may give narrative control to the characters when the crit or fumble. Since I haven't read through the books yet, there may already be something there for that.

    Also, Baron, what do you mean by "The magic system is, of course, critical." I find the magic system for CoC intriguing but not very applicable for one shot location based games. I mean, some of the spell in CoC take days (in game) to prepare for if I recall that correctly. Of course, when I run a full on campaign it will be grand.

  9. Hello all. Names Jim. I've been playing RPG's for over around 30 years. Mainly D&D and D20 based systems. Well, I finally realized that I am not that interested in character building and doing a lot of math in my games. I run a local RPG meetup group where we do one shots. I have decided to change over to BRP for these games rather than using Pathfinder.

    I just bought the (BRP) Gold Book and "Magic World" in hopes that I can start running adventures with those rules. Considering I have a ton of Pathfinder/AD&D/BASIC/3.5...(you get the drift) materials, I will probably be searching these forums to figure out how to convert stats to BRP.

    I have a many great Old and New School fantasy adventures I'd like to run using BRP. When I realized I could bring in CoC elements into my fantasy games using the same stats I was sold. I'm ready to create a wonderful world for my players all with simple seamless rules. I'm looking forward to no more arguing about what feats/skills do or players complaining about not leveling, and forgetting all the bonuses and debuff etc.. When I GM, I don't even want the players to know the rules necessarily. I just want them to role-play and create a story together and leave the mechanics to me.

    Anyways, that's all for now. Thanks for being here forum people.


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