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Faelan Niall

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Posts posted by Faelan Niall

  1. You are quite correct in saying that the system leaves much to be desired. Of course it would be easy to port it over to BRP, and a third edition is in the works which should hopefully fix most of the kinks in the system. Redbrick has a great track record so far with Earthdawn, I am inclined to believe they will do Fading Suns right.

  2. Far from it. I think what you are seeing mostly is the demise of poor business models, rather than games. Two games I love disappeared for all intensive purposes for several years, however the online community and some dedicated fans kept it alive, and some actually decided they could do more. Redbrick Limited the publisher for Earthdawn and Fading Suns started as fans, and were motivated enough to push forward and not only reproduce old product, but introduce new high quality product. Their business plan from what I have been able to discern is conservative, realistic, and above all involves very low overhead. Now how does that relate to BRP?

    Simply I always loved RQ (not big on Glorantha though), Chthulhu, Nephilim (wish I could have gotten a game going), Elric, and just about anything Chaosium put out. It pleases me to see that BRP is finally moving into the future. The fact is that the old way of doing business in the industry is in fact dead, or in its death throes because it is not profitable. It has moved towards an open system (or rather reasonable licensing), and access to making product for the game has expanded outside the "secret masters". This has also helped to spread risk, increase the number of enthusiasts (promoters who have taken some risk), and will ensure continued play and product.

    I guess what I am trying to say is prepare to see more traditional publishers to suffer and fall, and expect those who adapt to this new marketplace to grow. In other words don't worry about your favorite game it won't disappear its just evolving.

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