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Posts posted by blizack

  1. Just was wondering if anyone had any ideas for spells that weren't included in the rules book?

    For example, I am working on a system to incorporate Necromancy, Summoning, and Conjuring into my games. Already got an "Animate Dead" spell done.

    Any others want to weigh in on this and add their 2 cents?

    Stormbringer 5th edition (or Elric!, which is essentially the same game) has detailed rules for demon summoning. The Elric! sourcebook The Bronze Grimoire, likewise, has a comprehensive section on necromancy, with statistics for the animated dead. I'd recommend giving both of those a look.

  2. I'm puttering around with the various magic systems that have popped up in BRP games, trying to figure out what I want to go with for my homebrew fantasy setting. So far I've gotten the new BRP rulebook, RuneQuest III, Stormbringer (4th and 5th editions), and Cthulhu Dark Ages. So far it looks like BRP's sorcery and Stormbringer's magic are the best fit for what I want, but I just stumbled across a mention of Pendragon 4th edition having a magic system.

    Now, from my 5th edition Pendragon book, I know it's not a BRP-based game. But what are people's thoughts on the 4th edition's magic system? How does it work? Would it be simple to adapt to BRP? Worthwhile to adapt it to a different, fairly low-magic setting?

    Any info anybody can give would be helpful. Thanks!

  3. Whoops, I just noticed this thread.

    I've been gaming for about 20 years - I started young, with AD&D, but quickly moved on to other games. I played a lot of different games in my youth, many of them Palladium games, but also a good deal of Marvel Superheroes, Earthdawn, Cyberpunk 2020, and piles of other, more obscure stuff. The gaming group I'm currently in just finished a Cthulhu Mythos-based Adventure! pulp campaign, and we're trying out D&D 4th edition at the moment. My personal tastes tend towards something grittier than modern D&D, however.

    I'm basically a newbie to BRP, having owned a few Chaosium games in the past but never getting a chance to play them. I am a big fan of percentile-based systems, though, and it looks like BRP is going to be perfect for my homebrew fantasy setting. I've already grabbed several books besides the new core rules - a couple different editions of Stormbringer, RuneQuest III, Malleus Monstrorum, Cthulhu Dark Ages - as guidelines.

    So, bear with me, as I'll probably be asking for a lot of advice on how to manipulate the system to my tastes!

  4. I should mention the absolutely fantastic Michael Chabon novel Gentlemen of the Road, which is as close to a Fritz Leiber F&GM pastiche as is legally possible.

    I strongly second that recommendation. It doesn't have any of the weird magic or sexy stuff Leiber liked to write about, but that doesn't detract from the book in the least. Fantastic stuff.

  5. You're required to specify shipping when you order your product, at which point there are multiple selections for UPS and USPS methods of shipping.

    Oops. :o

    Thanks for pointing that out. It's been a long time since I preordered. I don't remember what I specified, and it doesn't say on the invoice (including clicking "View" on my online account history), but I guess that's my problem...

    Move along, nothing to see here.

  6. I think you can find your answer here:

    Chaosium Inc.


    "Chaosium can ship your order to any place in the world reachable by the U.S. Postal Service or by UPS. The following paragraphs describe our product warranty and return policies. By using this site, you consent to the following terms."

    Right, I read that earlier. I see that they use USPS and UPS, but it doesn't say what method they use. Not even on the "detailed invoice" - it just has an entry for "Shipping Method: Shipping." Priority? Media Mail? Parcel Post? It's not specified. I guess I'll pester them myself... :ohwell:

  7. I'm also of the opinion that "homage" would work better than parody in this case. Parody of AD&D has already been well covered by HackMaster. Glad to hear of this change in direction!

    Also, I'm glad to hear that the name has been changed to avoid confusion with Castles & Crusades. A wise choice. If you're taking suggestions for a new name, how about Dark Dungeons? Kind of a nod to Jack Chick's ridiculous anti-D&D screed pamphlet of the same name...:D

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