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Posts posted by Pilous

  1. Hello

    Yes, A4 is far better than US letter! :-D

    >However, I have two small issues with the formatting. First, the inner margins are too small -- i.e., the text is too close to the binding. This isn't a huge problem -- everything is readable -- but it doesn't look nice. Second, the paragraph formatting alternates between 'unjustified' (most text) and 'justified' (most quotes). Personally, I think that all text should be justified. In any case, it should consistently be one or the other. All IMHO, of course.≥

    Yes the inner margins was my error. Rome was my first time with a 200 page moloch, I have forgotten that this problem could have rised ;-)

    Luckly redeability isn't compromised by this...

    Also I would like have used a bit fewer clip arts and more “fresh” illustrations. But the deadline was hellish (and the clip arts give it a “historical” flavour

    For the change in justifications it is a voluntarly choice, to break the main text from the quotations (as Pete says)

    Thank you for the positive comments



  2. Well, I had the privilege of reading the «Crusader's» campaign. It is a very good, deep and strong narrative, with lot of combat and role-play opportunities and some «magic» at the right points. It appeal to the newcomer as to the grognard and it assure many evening of play. And you have not to read for obscure, abstruse history texts to play it. The GM section give you all you need to know about the adventures.

    Yes, I am part of it. Yes I say the true :innocent:


    PS. Itanglish words: _Assure_ _Abstruse_:D

  3. I agree that art and appearance is important. Those are the things that get the potential buyer really excited by the book (judging it by it's cover an all that). Of course, if the book's not on the shelf to begin with, it doesn't do much good.

    Two new words for me, BTW - bolded above. I especially like the second one - it sounds like the illustration and layout version of surround sound! Borrowed from Italian, I presume?

    Ah. yes a «special effect» :D

    (btw. It is when you use all four colours _cmyk_ in a pubblication, but it is an italian word: _quadricromia_, touchè!)

  4. My two cent

    No one can please everyone. Genre? System complexity? Adventures book, Campaign book? Historical? Hucrony?

    The only thing you can try it is to make the Thing «beautyfull». Good cover, good contents, good illustrations, full quadricromy, plenty of supplements. Put energy and money in it, if you trust it.

    Then wait for buyers...:cool:

  5. The Uss Iowa was mainly armed by 9x406mm cannons plus 20x120 mm “small” guns :eek: a direct hit of a single 403 mm gun would be capable of obliterate virtually anything...



  6. I have to say that the RQIII Wizard is a very fun character to play. Emerging unskated from first adventures, and with a moderately friendly GM, you can really create your style of spells. The only limit is your fantasy and creativity. Often the wizard play become a main theme in the evening (search for components, analysing strange artifacts, bypassing magical defences, researching old tomes, ecc...)...Try an adept in a semi-high level campaign and you will have lot of good moments. And if you love the clash of titans try a True Rokari Wizard!

    (all imho)


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