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Posts posted by Ombord

  1. Basically it is the BETAMAX dilemma. It doesn't matter if it is a superior machine/format if most of the machines and "tapes" people see are in VHS format.

    Well, I think blaming it on VHS (read D&D) is missing the opportunity to engage in some healthy self-criticism.

    The BRP rulebook does not offer balance. Compared to yesterday's games, it's a good effort, but for today, the BRP rulebook looks like a first draft, before the "tightening up your ship" and the "kill your darlings" phase.

    People aren't (very) interested in toolboxes. They want focused products, where the hard work (balancing) is done for them.

  2. ...Additional playtesting has showed that because of the fact that a magic-user has to build up all his spells with skill points in addition to purchasing other skills as well, it was almost impossible for him to be good at anything...

    But... but... I thought that was intentional.

    I mean, how else capture the experiences we had at the Dawn of Roleplaying?! :D;)

    Besides, that mistake is exactly what legions of rpg designers did during the 70's and 80's, so you're in good company! :)

  3. I think the only answer boils down to "why not?".

    It's a matter of taste.

    The two most successful BRP-based games in Sweden went different routes; one (Dragons & Demons) switched over to using a d20, the other (Mutant - Heirs to the Apocalypse) did not.

  4. Plenty of BRP games allow high-skilled characters to make more than one attack; effectively increasing the offensive power without a corresponding increase in defensive power.

    This makes fights go faster (as well as make winning Initiative more important).

    Of course, any game with the Hit Points Per Location option accomplishes much the same. Frequently, in these games even a single unparried/undodged hit means game over.

  5. Yes, all humans are "above average" for intelligence and size.

    Remember those scales are meant to accommodate critters like babies and small children too - not merely animals. With the 2D6+6 rule, you're effectively raising the lower limit on how low scores an adult human can have from 3 to 8 (as well as opening up the possibility for exceptions, such as lobotomised or drugged out victims to have <8), creating more freedom in how to differentiate between smart and stupid animals, and small and really small animals, for instance.

    But there are many BRP games who doesn't use this rule, preferring not to create special cases out of any characteristic over the added "space" for semi-intelligent and really small creatures. So it isn't like this rule is absolutely integral to BRP as a rules framework. :)

  6. "The number in parentheses after the name is the

    number of levels the spell has. If the number is a range,

    the spell’s level is variable, and players can choose how

    many levels of the spell their characters have in memory

    and are able to cast."

    -- Page 128.

  7. To steer the thread back from "why is hard sci-fi not that popular?" :rolleyes: to "why is BRP not that popular", and now I take BRP to specifically mean the generic rules framework (the new book from Chaosium) rather than any specific BRP-based game:

    The devil is in the details. And BRP doesn't offer these.

    Yes, I know BRP offers opportunities for enterprising GMs to use as a toolbox.

    But as a finished game, BRP falls rather short of the mark. It offers a wealth of options, but doesn't even attempt to balance them.

    This means that as a GM I can't simply place the book in front of my players with the instruction "make up your characters".

    And no, I don't mean they will stumble on "but which optional rules and sub-systems will be used?". Selecting those is the fun and easy part.

    It is when it comes to actually choosing specific stats (characteristics, powers, skills etc) the risk of arriving at hopelessly unbalanced characters is too great.

    So, as a reference manual for BRP game designers, the new book is excellent. It makes it much easier to know where to stay with BRP defaults and where to expand your specific material.

    But as a rulebook for the end-user, it simply cannot compete with other offerings. The guidelines for balancing powerful options against more modest ones simply aren't there. Heck, the book doesn't even indicate which options are powerful and which are not!

    I'm not saying this approach is wrong. (It would probably be a mission impossible to cost each option accurately, given the enormous wealth of alternatives offered).

    I'm just saying this might be unpopular.

  8. Regardless, the two statements isn't in conflict - no matter how you choose to interpret the "levels" issue.

    One discusses the starting spells of the sorcerer, the other the maximum.

    The phrasing "has immediate access to" refers to spells that you have learnt, spells you don't have to look up in a library or somesuch. Not that you start play with them.

  9. The link isn't clickable, and when I cut'n'paste something I get "DriveThruRPG.com will be temporarily unavailable while we perform database maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience." And you say nothing about your own product.

    If you want advice, how about explaining what your product is all about, and what other product you found, and why there is a problem, and why you can't rename your product...? Just a friendly suggestion.

  10. Chapter 3. Skills

    Generally, MUA uses far fewer skills than BRP standard, and does not use specialities at all, which should compensate to a certain degree the low starting scores. With fewer skills, competence is easier to attain. The game does utilize "limitations" on skills, in that some actions are resolved using the lower percentage of two (or more) skills.

    Skills are modified for difficulty, but not in the rather crude BRP way. Instead the game suggests modifiers for Easy (+25%), Medium Hard (-10%), Hard (-25%) and Very Hard (-50%) skill uses.

    One very nifty rule I haven't seen in any other BRP game (but feel free to educate me) is a general rule for retries. Basically, any skill can be retried given time: you get your first reroll after one minute, the second after one hour, the third after six hours and so on. This is a guideline lacking from most rpgs, and one I have found to be very useful even in other games!

    As always, my focus is to list any deviations from standard BRP. For instance, any MUA skill not described here should be assumed to work more or less exactly like its BRP counterpart.

    MUA doesn't use the Skill Category Bonuses optional rule, but characteristics still have a high influence on starting skill percentages. Each skill is tied to a particular characteristic, so that each chunk of skill you buy at character creation is equal to your value of the relevant characteristic. For instance, First Aid is tied to INT. If two characters have INT 9 and INT 16 respectively, for the same cost the first character gets First Aid 27%, the second will get First Aid 48%.

    As mentioned before, each skill is categorized either as Natural or Trained. Here follows alphabetical listings of MUA's skills in each category, with the characteristic of each noted in brackets:

    Natural Skills: Acrobatics (DEX), Bow (DEX), First Aid (INT), Rifle (DEX), Perception (INT), Throw (DEX), Bargain (APP), Melee (STR), Pistol (DEX), and Hide and Sneak (DEX).

    Trained Skills: Education (INT), Boating/Sailing (INT), Energy Weapon (INT), Sleight of Hand (DEX), Driving (DEX), Traps (INT), Lock-picking (DEX), Natural Sciences (INT), Medicine (INT), Repair (INT), Ride (DEX), Gambling (INT), Explosives (INT), Martial Arts (DEX), Technology (INT), Heavy Weaponry (DEX), Underworld Lore (APP), Dodge (DEX), Drive Cart (DEX), Wilderness Lore (INT) and Zone Lore (INT).

    Here are the same skills, instead categorized by standard BRP practice.

    Combat Skills*: Bow, Energy Weapon, Heavy Weaponry, Martial Arts, Melee, Pistol, Rifle, and Throw.

    Communication Skills: Bargain, Education, and Underworld Lore

    Manipulation Skills: Boating/Sailing, Explosives, Lock-picking, Sleight of Hand, and Traps.

    Mental Skills: First Aid, Gambling, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Repair, and Technology.

    Perception Skills: Perception, Wilderness Lore, and Zone Lore.

    Physical Skills: Acrobatics, Drive Cart, Driving, Hide and Sneak, and Ride.

    *) Each Combat Skill is only one skill, as opposed to BRP, where each weapon or weapon class constitutes its own skill.

    A few comments on specific skills:

    Acrobatics: A catch-all skill encompassing Climb, Jump, Swim and related activities.

    Bargain: Includes appraisal of all kinds of items.

    Bow: This skill is for slings and bow and arrows. For crossbows, use Rifle.

    Education: A catch-all skill for all tasks requiring learning. This skill specifically includes many communication skills such as disguise, etiquette, language, status and teach.

    Energy Weapon: The skills Pistol and Rifle confer no ability to use futuristic laser weapons. All such weapons use this skill instead. This skill also replaces Natural Sciences for these weapons (the same skill is used to shoot as well as maintain a laser gun).

    Hide and Sneak: This is a single skill, combining Hide and Stealth.

    Natural Sciences: There's a clear divide between the science of MUAs current world and that which predates the apocalypse. This skill could equally well be called "pre-Catastrophe Magic Science" and has a decidedly practical bent as it is used to understand and use all those sci-fi tech finds. For modern equipment, use Technology. For 18th century equipment, use Repair.

    Perception: MUA uses only a single skill for Listen, Sense, Spot and Track. Insight is likely to be a straight INT characteristic roll, not a skill roll.

    Throw: A skill for throwing weapons like daggers and grenades.

    Zone Lore: A specific skill for the dangerous and unpredictable "zones" of the world where the ordinary Wilderness Lore skill does not apply.

    Unlike traditional fantasy games, MUA does not emphasize the role of the rogue - with Acrobatics, Hide and Sneak, and Perception as merely three skills, my guess is the game encourages everybody in the party to do these things, and not just one. Lock-picking is its own skill though. Traps is focused on setting snares, digging pits and the like, and seems more a "ranger" skill than a "rogue" skill.

    Finally a note on experience points. MUA does not use the default BRP system - instead the GM is given guidelines on how many XP to grant after each session. Each XP raises a skill one percentage point (except when you reach the levels of 85% and 100%, when raising one percentage point requires two and three XP respectively). Players are free to choose which skills to raise.

  11. I have i D&D theory which, and in expressing same i mean no offense to any D&D player:

    Its pretty much a board game sold as an rpg?

    I had a flick through the rules books at one stage, but upon seeing the combat chapter thats the (probably limited) conclusion i came up with.

    Whatever you feel about the current, fourth, edition; that doesn't explain the overwhelming market share of previous D&D editions: the lack of popularity for BRP (which is the topic here) certainly didn't begin with 4th edition.

  12. I agree with that. I'm not questioning the rightness of Chaosium's design philosophy. My point was simply that in deciding to head off in a different direction you have automatically put yourself into a sort of niche market that won't compete with D&D and its clones. It's like a restaurant that chooses to serve up carefully made and creative food - thank god they exist, but don't expect them to replace pizza.

    I see what you mean, but the food analogy falls short in that different flavors of role-playing isn't inherently cost-differentiated.

    There's a good reason there's a dozen pizza parlors for each quality restaurant, and that reason is cost.

    There's no equivalent reason in the role-playing market: all rpgs make for extremely low-cost entertainment.

    People simply have poor taste when they prefer D&D over BRP, that's all. ;) But seriously, apart from being first and having the biggest marketing muscles, I have no explanation why D&D is more popular than all other games combined.

  13. Hi everyone; I just discovered this forum, but am a long-time BRP gamer (I bought my first copy of the RQII rules when they first hit store shelves in the late 70's and last played it a couple of weeks ago).

    I think one of the sources of D&D's much greater popularity is its modular character: there is a discrete set of character types; they advance in ability on very defined and linear ways; and they complement each other in such a way that each has something different to 'do' in an adventuring party. Setting aside the question of rules, it is very easy to figure out how you are supposed to play a game that is structured like this. It's almost like playing Clue, where you take on one of several pre-defined roles. Ive never seen a variant of BRP that promotes this kind of play. It is easy to make fun of, but is actually really enjoyable and promotes fun group play. So, it is no surprise that people like it.

    Another reason is that D&D, in all its incarnations, has had a huge selection of distinct monsters and magic items. So, even if every encounter you play is more or less the same ("What's that weird thing? I don't know, let's kill it! Hey, who gets to keep its zygatoscope of mystical tintintabulation?"), there is great variety in the gooey monsters you encounter and the stuff you get to collect. This too is easy to make fun of, but the proof is in the pudding: lots and lots of people have fun playing games that work this way. BRP could be played this way, but I've never seen a version that really actively promotes it.

    My guess as to why?

    BRP was conceived as a reaction to exactly that kind of play style!

    In my view, there isn't much point of having a version of BRP that tries to emulate the D&D style of play. Because, if you want that, then for the love of God, don't make your life any harder than it has to be, and use D&D!

    Myself, I use BRP when I specifically wish to play something different, something more focused on characters and their personality than their stats or their bling. When I wish to enter a world where life is precious. Which I guess is the entire point of Chaosium ever inventing it! :)

  14. Chapter 2. Characters.

    Step One - Rules for given both for random rolling and point-based character creation. The rules for both differ from those of BRP:

    Random Rolling uses the "Choosing Characteristic Values" option. All seven characteristics are generated using 3D6.

    Point-based character creation is much simpler than the BRP option. You have 56 points to spend. All seven characteristics begin at 3, and the cost to raise any characteristic by one is 1 point. The maximum is 18. (Raising INT doesn't cost more than raising STR; and raising a 17 to 18 doesn't cost more than raising a 7 to 8)

    This creates a Mutant (either human or animal, either with physical or mental mutations) or Robot, which constitute the game's baseline. To create a "non-mutated human" (who doesn't get any cool powers) you instead use 3D6+2 to generate characteristics (or for point-based character creation, characteristics begin at 5 with a maximum at 20). A non-mutated human, then, is above-average in this game.

    Step Two - Powers

    The game contains three subsystems for powers: mutations (physical mutations), psionics ("mental mutations") and the "options" robots are equipped with.

    Non-mutated humans doesn't get any powers, but gets other advantages instead: 1) above-average characteristics and skills, 2) significantly better social standing (it is the non-mutated humans that rule this world) 3) something called Talents.

    Despite having nothing supernatural about them, how you acquire Talents work so similar to how Powers are acquired I'm going to refer them as a fourth Powers sub-system throughout the remainder of this analysis.

    Powers are not selected independently, but using the same pool of points you select skills with. More on this later. Also see Step Seven - Skills.

    Step Three - Age

    The default method of generating age is simply for the player to choose. If you prefer rolling dice, MUA uses 1D10+15 (instead of BRP's 1D6+17).

    Age brings experience in MUA too, though through a different system than BRP's. Life after the apocalypse is presumably hard, as evidenced by MUA's lower age threshold for lowered characteristics; already at 26 years of age you lose your first point of DEX!

    Robots doesn't have an Age, they're all several hundred of years old amnesiac survivors of the Apocalypse.

    Step Four - Characteristics Rolls

    MUA uses this (though without labels for individual characteristics) and even expands it so you have Easy (x7), Hard (x3) and Absurd (x1) rolls in addition to the Normal (x5) ones featured in BRP.

    Step Five - Derived Characteristics

    Damage Bonus - works pretty much the same as in BRP (the Damage Bonus table is more granular)

    Hit Points - MUA uses the "total hit points" option for all characters (PCs and NPCs).

    Major Wound Level - called "Trauma Threshold" in MUA

    Power Points - MUA feature a completely different mechanism for its psionics (see below). Classic power points are not used.

    Experience Bonus - not used.

    MOV - In MUA, you can move your (SIZ + DEX)/5 in meters and still act without a penalty. As some mutations make you very large (or very small) the "10 units a round" standard does not apply to MUA.

    Other derived values in MUA include:

    Initiative Bonus: Usually the same as your DEX, though certain powers can substantially change this. MUA uses the "Initiative Rolls" optional rule.

    Reaction: This is more or less the same as the Charisma characteristic roll of BRP.

    Status: A measure of your social status. This value doesn't seem to be much used in MUA and I won't explain it further unless asked to.

    Renown: A measure of your reputation. This value doesn't seem to be much used in MUA and I won't explain it further unless asked to.

    Carrying Capacity: In MUA, you can carry your STR in kilograms. Each additional kg carried brings a -1% penalty to movement and all DEX-based skills.

    Step Seven - Skills

    Both skills and powers are selected using the same pool of points. Instead of assigning individual percentage points, you buy entire chunks of skill percentages. This works like this:

    You get 30 creation points (these points are separate from the points you get to generate characteristics). Each point gives you either a power or a chunk of skill equal to your characteristic for that skill. (Though many powers and skills are more expensive than this). As an example, let's take First Aid, a INT-based skill. If your INT is 11, each point spent on First Aid gives you +11 percentage points in First Aid.

    Skills are categorized as "natural" or "trained". This division roughly equates to whether BRP grants you any base chance in the skill or not.

    If it does, it's a "natural" skill, which means 1) you start off with a base chance in that skill equal to your characteristic for that skill, and 2) for each creation point you spend, you increase that skill by an amount equal to your characteristic for that skill. If it isn't, it's a "trained" skill, and 1) you start off by not having that skill at all (which normally means you have no chance of success) and 2) you need to spend two creation points to increase the skill by the standard amount (equal to your characteristic in the skill).

    The maximum percentage of skills for starting characters is much more severe than in BRP: for Natural skills, this is three times your characteristic; for Trained skills, it is two times your characteristic. In other words, you can only increase any given skill twice using creation points. For non-mutated humans, these restrictions are relaxed somewhat, allowing the player to increase a small selection of skills three times instead of just two. Yes, MUA is "one of those games" where characters start out with less than 50% in most skills, much like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.

    MUA presents a set of backgrounds and previous occupations to guide the player to selecting his set of skills, much like in BRP.

    The power level of MUA isn't directly comparable to BRP's system, but let's work out a rough example. Assuming you spend 26 out of 30 creation points on skills, you get a total of 286 skill percentage units to distribute over no less than thirteen skills. But if you prioritize skills for above-average characteristics (which would be the norm) or play a non-mutated human, this total could reach the high 300's. MUA remains firmly a game with a Normal power level for starting characters, if we only look at skills.

    Step Nine - Professions (or rather, Starting Belongings)

    The player's choice of previous occupation determines his starting money, which he now can use to purchase equipment

    Step Ten - Name & Finish

    Questions like "where do I come from?" or "what did I do before becoming an adventurer?" the game supports by the backgrounds and previous occupations you will have chosen already in the character generation process.


    MUA features the same seven characteristics as in BRP.

    POW is used as a general Willpower characteristic. APP is definitely more Charisma than physical beauty.

    Characteristics Rolls

    As explained in Step 4 above, MUA allows for several degrees of difficulty involving these rolls. And the individual rolls for different characteristics aren't named.


    MUA provides two sets of choices to ease your choice of skills (and powers) which is what professions in BRP is all about: 1) the kind of place you grew up in, and 2) your previous occupation (before you became an no-strings-attached adventurer).

    The first provides the following choices: Wilderness, Countryside, and City. Your choice suggests a few choices for your powers, but nothing mandatory.

    The second, the following: Administrator, Laborer, Aristocrat, Farmer, Merchant, Tradesman, Hunter, (Re-)Inventor, Doctor, Policeman, "Mailman" (Postriders and Heliograph Operators), Seaman, Soldier, Thief, or Explorer. Your choice specifies which Skills you should focus on.

    Wealth levels aren't used. Each previous occupation lists your starting capital (in "krediter", credits, which conveniently enough is abbreviated the same way, "Kr", as Sweden's official currency, the krona.)

  15. This post starts off a detailed analysis of the Swedish BRP-based game "Mutant - Undergångens Arvtagare", abbreviated MUA from now on. For those interested, the Swedish-language web site and forums can be found at http://www.mutant.nu/

    This game, which was published between 2002 - 2008, is the most recent game in the "Mutant" range and this is also why I selected it.

    This analysis is intended as a resource for BRP gamers, in that in provides and explains several optional system that might be appropriate in other BRP campaigns. I hope to summarize the optional rules of MUA, using the checklist given on BRP page 285 as a starting-point.

    As for the inventiveness or uniqueness of these subsystems I make no claims. Feel free to point out other BRP games with similar (or even identical) rules solutions. I cannot claim mastery of BRP, so feel free to point out any inconsistencies or errors. Obviously, this effort cannot be all-encompassing, or it would more or less reproduce both books! Beware that discrepancies have been omitted, though hopefully mostly minor ones. Please ask if anything is unclear.

    Okay then - with the disclaimers out of the way, I'll start off by the first chapter (BRP Chapter 2) and we'll see how much interest this generates...

  16. Swedish role-playing games have been heavily based on BRP. Conversely, I feel the Swedish rpg history contains lots of nifty rules that would contribute a great deal back to the international BRP community.

    Here is a (probably not complete) list of Swedish BRP-based rpg's:

    Drakar och Demoner (Dragons and Demons) - Sweden's first and most popular fantasy game, which for years successfully battled the influence of D&D. Being BRP-based was of course a big boon in that it meant Swedish gamers aren't weaned on levels and hundreds of hit points like many places elsewhere.

    The BRP origin is clear in all editions, though the game has slowly left its BRP roots (one recent, but short-lived, edition even experimenting with levels!) through its two publishers and three different game worlds.

    See Drakar och Demoner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (though what the English page calls the 7th edition, the most current one, is really the 9th if you look at the Swedish Wikipedia, which is presumably more up-to-date.)

    Mutant - Here it gets really confusing, as this game really is four completely different games under one name. So let's list the different games that all share the same ancestry:

    Mutant (1984) - the first game in this post-apocalyptic series. Unlike other games in the genre, this one features a stable post-apocalypic society (one based in the middle of Scandinavia roughly at early 19th century tech level). Robots and laser rifles spice up the game, as does mutants (which explains the game's name): intelligent and anthropomorphized animals with physical powers. There are also "mutated humans" which work exactly like the mutated animals except their look is based on humans rather than some animal and "psi mutants" (mutated humans whose powers are in their mind rather than wings, extra-strong limbs, poisonous stings etc).

    Mutant (1989) - this game re-uses the same concept, but in a vastly different setting: a cyberpunk Europe! Yes, complete with mega-cities (Berlin 2090 is the best example from the game line) and mega-corporations, but still featuring both humans and mutants.

    Mutant Chronicles (1993) - yes, this is the game the current (not so good) movie is based on. Via a short-lived intermediary edition, the Mutant brand was used for yet another, completely different, setting. This time, while the Earth suffered the apocalypse, civilization survived and flourished on the Moon and in the Solar System. At least until the Dark Legion with its endless hordes of Necro Mutants are let loose! This game features a pretty noticeable disconnect between two worlds: you can play a dystopic investigation-heavy civilian game back on Luna (the city that covers the entire Moon) or you can play the game "as intended": an action-heavy Warhammer 40,000 inspired game in the trenches on Venus or Mars, where you either fight one of the five mega-corporations, the Brotherhood, or the Dark Legion.

    Mutant - Undergångens Arvtagare (Mutant - Heirs to the Apocalypse). This can best be described as a "re-imaging" of the original Mutant game from 1984, featuring a vastly expanded and well-developed mature world, updated (but still BRP-based) rules and a distinctive and highly appreciated visual presentation. This is the Mutant game most grounded in Swedish and Scandinavian cultural and linguistic values, and thus the game that would make the least sense being translated into English. As the focus has broadened from simple, fun action-heavy exploration into areas of intrigue, investigation and socializing using the rich background of the Pyri society, the game no longer much resembles its roots in games like Alpha Omega or movies like Mad Max. In recent years, this game probably took the crown from Drakar och Demoner as Sweden's most well-liked role-playing game.

    KULT (1991) - Yes, probably the most infamous horror rpg of them all. And that's all I'm going to say in this post. From a BRP point of view, KULT is less interesting, being farther removed from core BRP.

    Okay then. These are the "big three" - games that all became big successes locally (and in KULT's case, an international phenomenon). Other less well-known Swedish games to utilize BRP include En Garde!, Götterdämmerung and Gemini.

    So you should see why I feel the Swedish rpg market would be interesting to any BRP completist! :)

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