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Posts posted by Croft

  1. Thank ya, I'll definitely look into it. I'm sure it will be useful, but I'd definitely prefer to have some more canonical associations. Of course, this isn't likely with beings like Elder Things for instance, who I assume really have no affiliation with any of the gods.

  2. 2 hours ago, Baulderstone said:

    To some extent, it's risky to put everything in religious terms of worship. There are cults in Lovecraft's story, but there is frequently the sense that some of this stuff is just ignorant cargo cult worship. Reading The Call of Cthulhu I get the sense that Cthulhu is this powerful alien entity, and humans do worship him as a god, but I don't get the sense that he really gives a crap. In The Dunwich Horror, the Whateleys are tapping into some kind of force, but seeing Yog-Sothoth as a god seems just a way to deal with the concept. A lot of the religious nature is just humans projecting a system onto a universe they don't understand. 

    Basically, once you have everything in the Lovecraftian Universe carefully organized and understood, it isn't a Lovecraftian universe anymore. That's just my opinion though. I lean towards the approach take in Trail of Cthulhu where every god is is described with a long list of differing and often contradictory theories on what it is. 

    Oh I understand that, I don't mean to take away anything from the important mysteries and vagueness of the mythos by any means. I just want to understand further in the aspects of simple relations between Lovecraftian beings and notable Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, etc. Just any examples that join them in the most basic of ways.

    2 hours ago, trystero said:

    Some of the creature/god associations are from non-HPL stories, like the chthonians and Shudde M'ell from Brian Lumley's The Burrowers Beneath, or the fire vampires and Cthugha from August Derleth's "The Dweller in Darkness".

    That's exactly what I mean, yeah. Even if it's non-Lovecraft, just as long as it's part of the major contributors to the mythos, like Howard and Derleth for example.

    A Gug for instance; I can't seem to find anything relating it to the gods, other than being native to the Dreamlands. Well the Great Ones rule over the Dreamlands, and Nyarlathotep rules over them, so he's the closest I could just barely associate Gugs with. Byakhee though, apparently serve Hastur or at least are rode by his followers, so I'd definitely be placing them with Hastur.

    I'm organizing this in the idea of a game anyways, basically I hope to have at least 4 gods with 3 creatures associated with each. I'd like it to be as accurate to the mythos as possible, because I think a list like this could be useful to more people.

  3. Thanks trystero! Definitely helps. I've been working on a little project, and the more I can find the better. 

    I realize this may actually be sort of difficult, as the creatures are mostly written non-specific. I guess the next best thing would be general speculation, based on the context of the stories. So, if it looks like one thing might not have a specific god associated with them, I'd love to hear who people think they would likely fall under.

  4. Hello to any and all, I'm hoping maybe some people can help me with this, please.

    As the title suggests, I would simply like to know what creatures and beings worship/associate/belong to which gods.

    I am by no means an expert, but a dear fan of Lovecraft's work and the mythos. I don't exactly have the time to read through every story, but the only correlations I can think of at the moment are Cthulhu and his Star Spawn. Anything close to relation would help as well, like Dagon/Mother Hydra/Deep Ones to Cthulhu. I believe Deep Ones might worship Cthulhu but I could be wrong.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

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