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Posts posted by kurgan

  1. Really? Why did samurai stop using them? They fought hand to hand, and they stopped used shields long before they adopted gunpowder for their militiamen. If shields were so effective, why did the Japanese drop them?

    But samurai are a cultural exception! Did they often faced armies using shields??

    It's not a proof. Nowadays police forces use shields during riots or assaults, they don't use katana ;D

  2. Just had a thought while I should be studying.

    It occurs to me that RuneQuest would (mostly) make a good ruleset to model a Skyrim campaign. (I imagine you may need to make some changes to the magic system, add in shouts, and maybe perks.)

    Has anyone done anything with RQ & Skyrim?

    What language is it in?

    I speak french, and I'm iffy on russian. I could figure it out, especially with google at my side. If its not in english, I can still figure it out.

    As for the Age thing: You can consider me one of very few people in their 20's on this board then. 10 years ago I was still in highschool.

    In English there is The Elder Scrolls BRP-yfied!

    and in french there is a WIP:

    - Elder Scroll : Règles de combat

    - Elder Scrolls, Adaptation du monde

    - Elder Scrolls : Bestiaire

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