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  1. Ok. I think that`s exactly what Im looking for. Thank you very much!
  2. woww. I just stumble with this topic on rpg.net: Science Fiction on BRP https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?759095-BRP-sci-fi-books Anymore additions are welcome
  3. Hi! Im working on a space science fiction campaign using the BRP rules... something similar to Battlestar Galactica/Mass Effect. I have seen plenty of useful stuff for GURPS, Traveller and D20 but the only I have found really useful using de BRP is the Mecha handbook by Alephtar Games and River of Heaven. ¿Anyone has any idea about other books of the BRP line or D100 similar system to inform my campaign? On the other hand I like a lot the feat system presented with the D20 system. ¿Is there something similar on the BRP line? I don´t mean an advantages/disadvantages system; I mean something like special skills or traits to make the characters more epic. Thanks for reading!!
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