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Posts posted by zonk

  1. Still, the Mythos only very rarely is a part of our games, perhaps because the excellent German version of Call of Cthulhu has its focus on more subtle horrors than monster hunting, and most of such horrors are based more on real world life than on the existence of the Mythos - just watching the news or reading a few modern history books provides enough material for horror scenarios, there do not have to be other monsters than humans.
    Rust could you provide more detail?
  2. Problems with Chaosium's Berlin '61 pdf.

    I don't really know how to contact Chaosium as my previous attempt went no where so I'll post this here and perhaps you can guide me.

    I haven't gotten completely through the monograph yet but at the end of page 10:

    Needless to say, all of this means that Berliners have seen

    everything and survived a lot. They are calm, sturdy and

    hard-working, even though many of them appear a bit

    withdrawn or do not speak much about their past. In most

    cases, the reason for that is the Holocaust. For many of

    them the shock caused by revealing the truth about con-

    page 11 is a period background piece. Page 12 begins with:

    essentially be complementary, U-Bahn is controlled by the

    West Berlin authorities while S-Bahn is a property of the

    East German railroad company. Originally both systems

    were available for East and West Berliners alike, but as

    time passes, the East German government is discouraging

    its citizens from using both systems.

    Obviously something missing or mis-formatted.

    Mis-formatted. Page 16 continues where page 10 ended and the end of 16 continues to page 12.

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