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Posts posted by DeeWhite

  1. That is a great back and forth split which I will steal but will change one part. On #2 I will have the Sheriff knock on the door and just say there's been an accident. Then cut back to surveyor group. It keeps a little mystery going for both groups and doesn't feel like a pre-destined outcome for the surveyor group. (It's a pet peeve I have learned from my players that REALLY don't like it when a set of actions is going to occur no matter what they do.) This still allows for the other group to come as the rescuers when needed by the survey group.

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  2. What is the problem with the game taking longer than one session each month? I understand it would make the final sessions occur nearly a year later unless you are making major revisions. As a player I'd rather have a slower paced CoC adventure that I look forward to each month and get the full "bang for my buck" even if we finished later than planned. Of course you would know your players the best and if you think they would change each month then revising it to a more convention-type feel may be right for you. Maybe deciding your own focus for the game - play test and give feedback or play through.

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