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Spooky Mizu

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Posts posted by Spooky Mizu

  1. On 4/6/2021 at 8:26 PM, Gaunilo said:

    Anyone have any suggestions for a playlist(s) to accompany running “Reign of Terror” (French Rev. Cthulhu)?

    Were you able to cobble together a playlist?  I’m close to running this in my Horror on the Orient Express campaign.  I would love to hear what you found.



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  2. Looking for suggestions. Here's my situation:


    My group of six players is doing the NYC chapter with the mafia and their attack on the Meadham building (in retaliation for Red Hook).

    *Two characters are outside dealing with Hylsa, who had been double-crossed by the PCs, knocked out, and thrown in a trunk of a car. Hylsa busts out with the Become the Darkness spell and goes on a rampage.


    *Meanwhile, one hybridized PC walked down the corridor to the Belgian Congo and goes through the gate.


    *Another is heading to the Artifacts Room, hunting for Tyranish's scepter.


    *Two of the PCs are busy collecting the bombs planted by Ardito's men. They are trying to disperse the bombs to do the least amount of damage to the building. They missed one bomb on the fifth floor, placed at least three active bombs on the 16th floor against an outside wall, and 2 active bombs on the twelfth floor near the elevator. They have one minute until the bombs go off, and have no chance to leave the building before that happens.


    I'm trying to figure out how much damage does it take to bring the building down? Depending on the damage rolled, is it possible for them to survive the bombs going off? I think they all have at least 30 luck, so according to Pulp rules, they CAN survive, but there are so many things that can go wrong here.


    My players are keeping me busy. 😀


    Any thoughts or suggestions?


    I also posted this on the Two-Headed Serpent Keepers Facebook Group and on Yoggie.

  3. Thanks for the link.  That was an interesting read. 

    The player is up for the challenge, though, and wants to play his suddenly bewildered character.  Just not sure what to do about the skill percentages.  Maybe I'll just add a penalty dice anytime he has to use a cognitive skill.

    When the player did his CON roll to see if he lost any intelligence, he rolled a 99!  Crazy, right?  Thus it lowered his 60 INT down to 21. 

    But what if he had only lost 20 INT?  That surely isn't worth scuttling the PC.  Is there anything in the rulebook about losing INT?  I only saw diminished stats where aging was concerned, and INT wasn't a part of it.


    Thanks for any help.




  4. Hi folks,

    I am looking for some help figuring out what to do with one of the PCs from the mass amnesia part of the second episode. What has happened is that due to the side-effects of the Mi-Go Amnesia Enzyme, one of the characters has sustained a large amount of intelligence loss. Through a nasty series of dice rolls, after recovering from the bout of amnesia, the character went from an Intelligence of 61 down to his current Intelligence of 20.

    So, I'm questioning how this would affect the character's skills. A substantial loss of intelligence should reduce some of the skills of that character, but how should I account for that.

    The background of how this came to be is quite amusing. When I get a moment, I'll share the story, but in the meantime, I'll be running the end of episode 3 and the start of episode 4 this weekend. The character will be joining the main group of investigators, so I need to take care of this issue.

    Thanks, y'all.

    With ghoulish delight, I am

    Spooky Mizu

    Note:  I posted this question on Yog-Sothoth also, but figured getting a wide range of responses would be a good idea.


  5. I play with a group online, but we all had crazy schedules leading into the summer.  We finally got started on Episode 1 in late July.

    Overview of Episode 1


    It took three sessions of approximately ten hours of play on Roll20 to complete Episode 1.  I had five players.  They created two characters each, and then the professors chose which investigators were to go on the field trip.  The second characters had to have some sort of connection with the playing investigator in case something happened and a replacement was needed.  One player chose the option of having a representative from FOC as his investigator.  This did supply some interesting roleplaying because he tried to take command a number of times, but the students wouldn’t follow his lead.  It did make things hard at the end when the remaining investigators were sent home by the professor.  He pretty much told Harold that he was going to do what he wanted.  I’m not sure how that is going to play out in the second episode.  

    Final Tally at end of the Episode 1:

    3 investigators returning to Arkham, 2 abducted by Mi-Go (I did my best to avoid this, but there isn't a lot to be done if an investigator is just going to stand and watch his fellow students get plucked up like mice in a hawk's talons).

    Things that went well:

    • Using Trent as a red herring.  This totally hooked the players. They never really suspected Blaine until the end.  They were mad at him, but didn't think it was suspicious.

    • The Sugar Maple setup totally spooked the players.  The dreams.  The zoogs.  The skeletal remains on the woods floor.  Perfect!

    • The bridge accident was hilarious.  One investigator managed to fall in the water three different times. I had Blaine push Trent into him, so that made them even more suspicious of Trent!

    • the crazy amount of whiskey flowing…no wonder the locals thought the students were a bunch of drunks!


    Difficulties I had included the following:

    • getting the investigators to leave for MU at the end.  With the things they had seen, the threat of incarceration or expulsion didn't really resonate  (one ran away and returned to the sugar maple forest to watch the farmhouse for a few days)

    • Joe Harlow convincing the surveyors to stay behind during the rainstorm while Blaine went away was a bit of a reach

    • there is a great deal of possible sanity loss for the investigators pursuing things in the Sugar Maple Forest.  Of course this is off-set by a lot of possible sanity gain if things go well.  

    • I had difficulty balancing  the action between the two parties.  Particularly in the second half of the episode, the folklorists seem more inclined to check out the sugar maple forest, since their party is staying nearby.  This translated to a lot of downtime for the surveyors.  Then to top it off, all of the sanity rewards at the end go to the Sugar Maple gang. :-)

    • Wow!  That is a lot of NPCs to act out!  It was pretty tough to stay consistent, but I know it will pay off in episode 2.


    • I changed the number of Men of Leng to two from four.  I figured the two investigators had already faced quite a bit.
    • The investigators totally predicted Sarah's remains after the deluge.  It didn't stop them from getting freaked out about it.  :-)

    We had a blast with this episode.  We'll start the next one on Labor Day weekend probably.

    Thank you to everybody who included the pics, newspaper clippings, and other various play aids.  Your work enhanced our play.


    Spooky Mizu

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  6. Found some possible typos whilst reading tonight.  I thought I might as well get this thing started.  :-)

    I used Mike's suggested format for corrections (except I also added "column" as a description...I hope that's fine.  If not, I'll go back and change them).


    Ep 1, page 38, column 2, para 4, line 7: Under Harold Higgins Common Knowledge, Louis Gibbons first name is misspelled "Lewis."  Or it's misspelled all of the other times.  :-)

    Ep 1, page 39, column 1, para 3, line 4:Under William Noakes Insider Information, it reads "his uncle saw smart he was."  Perhaps need to insert "how" between "saw" and "smart.

    Ep 1, page 39, column 2, para 6, line 2:  Under The Maclearan Farmhouse, "Sugar Maples" isn't normally capitalized, unless it's the name of a forest.  This could just be a stylistic choice though.

    Ep 1, page 40, column 1, para 2, line 2: "hand stitched"  - I believe that this is normally spelled as one word, or sometimes with a hyphen.

    Ep 1, page 40, column 1, para 2, line 8: "Sugar Maples" again.

    Ep 1, page 42, column 2, para 1, line 5: In "The Sheriff's Speech" ...."speakeasy's" - the plural form of speakeasy is "speakeasies."

    Ep 1, page 42, column 2, para 1, line 8: In "The Sheriff's Speech"...  the sheriff let's the investigators know "Well not here!"  Should there be a comma after "well" so it reads like this: "Well, not here!"  That reads better to me.


    That's all I have for now. 

    Thank you so much for providing this for us keepers.  I'm anxious to get started playing it with some of the locals. 

    With fiendish delight, I am


    Spooky Mizu

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