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Posts posted by JFO

  1. 48 minutes ago, Mike M said:

    1. Small town law enforcement - things aren't always what they seem. An initial 'friendly' approach to gain trust, then later a harder edge (especially if the Sherif is around). Cutter is meant to appear as a minor character but, like real people, also appear more complex as time goes on (with his role increasing to major NPC).

    2. If you think you're players will be confused, change the name.

    3. Ideally yes. The PCs won't know the NPCs have been taken by the mi-go (as they are sent back to University/are in jail, etc). These NPCs return in Episode 2 - when they return to the university (after the PCs, who will have been sent on ahead by the Professor).


    Perfect!  Thanks so much!  As for #2, I think nezeray's hit it on the nose -- "Harry" will definitely be the way to go with my group, although I do like the ring of "Mickey Higgins."  :lol:

  2. Hey, all.  Just finished reading Episode One all the way through, and it's absolutely smashing.  Can't wait to give it a shot.  I have a few questions:

    1) On page 43, the yet-uninitiated Deputy Cutter offers the investigators a nip of whisky as long as they don't tell the Sheriff.  On page 56, Cutter (having established contact with the Mi-Go) pulls his gun on the investigators and arrests them for inebriation.  That's a big change for a relatively minor character.  Should the investigators already be able to tell that he's a baddie by the end of Episode One?

    2) The names Harold Higgins and Professor Harrold are pretty similar.  With so many characters in play, I'm afraid my group's gonna confuse the two.  Is that intentional, or can I change Harold's first name to something else?  Connor, Jack, Mickey?  

    3) Do all of the NPC students have to be swept up by the Mi-Go? If the players make a concerted effort to save one, can we leave a straggler with the group?

    Thanks so much for this opportunity and an amazingly dark scenario - really does look like great fun ;)

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