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Posts posted by Carrthulhu

  1. Hey there!

    As the scenario is for demonstration purposes it's nice to give new players a bit more of a chance when trying CofC.

    As it's pitch black in the necropolis it'd be a good way to start showing players the penalty die roll mechanic making it a touch harder.

    If you really want to make it harder add armour points (as suggested by DMarcel) or additional HP.

    I really love TK Nyarlathoteps idea as well.

    Glad everyone is enjoying it! Mikes additional characters have made it really shine.



    On 15/08/2017 at 6:43 AM, DMarcel said:

    I'll be running it at GenCon this week so this past weekend I did a test run with my regular gaming group. The only thing I noticed that could be a problem is that the monster seems to be just a hair fragile; he hits hard but it doesn't take too much to take him out (though to be fair my group did get lucky with their combat rolls). I'm thinking about giving it a few points of armor when I run it at the con. 


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