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Posts posted by johnmcfloss

  1. (Spoilers to follow)

    To be honest, the campaign's introductory scenario is a remarkably solid start as is - there's minimal risk, but it's also notably weird and does a remarkably good job of driving home how big a deal things are (we ended up with a single character surviving from the performance into Act 2, and she was basically the driving force of the campaign).

    Otherwise... a scenario that lets you introduce Estus is useful, or Grahame's brother (who's name escapes me) - I think having a personal tie and opinion of him will help give that first act a little more nuance.
    I'd avoid anything dealing with Shub-Nigurath or the Tcho-Tcho, I suspect their chapters works best if the characters and players have as little knowledge of exactly what's going on as possible (or little enough that they're willing to work with them, instead of assuming antagonism). Something involving Chaugnar-Faugn wouldn't hurt - his presence in the campaign always felt a little bit tacked-on, and having the players be familiar enough with him for his appearance to merit a reaction would probably enhance that.

    None of which is probably hugely useful, as I can't, off the top of my head, suggest any adventures that fit that criteria!

    But good luck either way, I'm a big fan of Tatters - it's a remarkably well written campaign, and I'm more than happy to offer any advice I can from my playthrough
    (...like, off the top of my head, be aware when wrapping up Act 1 that the players are entirely within their rights to assume that everyone of importance is now dead, and there's no need to investigate the beginning of Act 2. I think I wrote them an extra letter from Their Friend to prod them into action)

  2. I've generally shied away from letting the results of battles be too random - it can potentially mean a massive shift in the game for the sake of rolling some dice, and it's arguably more narratively satisfying to have a pre-set conclusion that you know to script around and work from (and ultimately makes no difference to the players, but I'm growing increasingly skeptical that random events are in any way preferable to scripted ones).
    I also tend to find that the main ebb-and-flow of battle doesn't massively affect the players - unless they're playing the roles of general, they won't know how the battle outside 10-20 foot around them is going until it's over.

    What I tend to do, is have a a "if the players do nothing" result, and then a number of objectives (clearly more than they can achieve), with the results of these having an affect on the end result - some may make their side more likely to win, some may reduce casualties, some may let them settle personal grievances and rivalries. They can choose (to a certain degree) which of these objectives they want to try to deal with as the battle rages, but each objective is functionally a self-contained encounter, as the enemies around them are tied up with their allies.

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  3. On 9/1/2016 at 9:20 PM, Jon Hunter said:

    You mean something like this? If you want another culture adding to it shout


    I had a half hour on my lunch today.

    That was Exactly the kind of thing I meant, thank you!


    And thank everyone - there's a whole lot of useful stuff here to get me started. I've time off coming up, that I'm probably going to use to compile a intro-pack for players.

  4. Cults is next on my list, thank you! But while I'm entirely happy to sit down and read through stuff, I'm not expecting players to necessarily read more than they need to - I can see "read this book, choose one cult from it" putting people off.

    I'll take a look at the one-pagers this evening - even if the spell list doesn't work, if it's enough that players can get a handle on where they want to look further, it'll do what I need it to!


    (My plan is to run in New Pavis, about 5 years after the Lunar occupation. I'm only allowing humans, but I'm happy to let people play Lunars or Orlanthi - a large part of the game is going to be navigating the tensions in the recently occupied city, probably investigating a Vampire Cult that's infiltrated both sides.)

  5. I'm looking to start running a RQC campaign over the next month or so, but I'm relatively new to Glorantha, and my players are likely to be too.

    I kickstarted the Classic reprint, so I've got that, and the four smaller paperbacks (Trolls & Trollkin, etc), but I'm not sure what I'm doing with Cults - the players are invariably going to want to join one, and going to want to join an appropriate one, but I've no idea where to suggest they look - I'm aware that there's a Cults supplement, but I'm hesitant to suggest they've got to read an entire splatbook and pick from that - it seems like a lot of work (and if they have to share the book, it'll take forever).

    Is there a summary anywhere? A collated "god/cult/tenets/runes/magic" table or something? Ideally enough information that they can whittle their choices down to a select few, and then look the information up directly (or we can make it up), instead of just trawling for something suitable

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